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Posts posted by zkylet

  1. I currently do not have a WiFi Pineapple. I am using Kali Linux and I know how to create a fake access point. How can I create fake access points based on users probe requests? I tried installing FruityWiFi, but cannot configure it with my network adapter. Any ideas?

  2. My mother is a real estate agent. She was renting a client's condo when the renter left the county unexpectedly. The renter left all of their belongings which the owner gave to my mother. Among the items left was a 64 GB Apple iPad 2 with WiFi & 3G. It is currently locked. Is there a way to unlock it?

  3. I have a bunch of ESP8266-12Es. I got them for some IOT project, but decided not to use them. Anywhere I can learn more about how to use these for hacking.

  4. 38 minutes ago, bored369 said:


    HackRF receiver/transmitter for 0Mhz-6ghz
    --general purpose SDR not the best at receiving but good for the price (others you may look at would be limeSDR, bladeRF, USRP forget which model exactly)
    YardStickOne receiver/transmitter for sub-1ghz (limited ranges)
    --specific purpose SDR things like garage doors, keyfobs, other general wireless control gizmos normally operate in this range
    UbertoothOne receiver for bluetooth (2.4ghz band)
    --mainly for bluetooth, but works for anything on the 2.4ghz band if you want to analyze or figure something else to do with that data
    SDR MObile Kit receiver only (25Mhz-1.7ghz)
    --best thing to get introduced into the SDR field, learn to listen and figure out what you are listening to and you will find out if you like things like antenna & radio theory; lots and lots of projects can be done with this (lots of the projects can be found on rtl-sdr.com along side of everything hak5 has done on the shows with them)

    You can find out more info about the SDR mobile kit stuff on that rtl-sdr.com blog and you can find more about the other ones at https://greatscottgadgets.com/ plus GSG also has an awesome lesson section about getting into the HackRF and the information can be applied to pretty much all the SDR devices in one manner or another

    Does the HackRF One do everything all the others do? If the Yard Stick One is a receiver and a transmitter why do they say it works well in combination with the SDR Mobile Kit? Does the Ubertooth One transmit?

  5. I need something small and lightweight as I have a non progressive form of muscular dystrophy which leaves me very weak and confined to a wheelchair. I have a year old 13.3 Inch MacBook Pro Retina which is my main machine. I want a second machine to experiment with, practice my Linux, and practice penetration testing. Any thoughts?

  6. I want get a small laptop to instal Linux Mint 18 with the Cinnamon Desktop Environment. I plan to use it specifically for penetration testing and will install the tools I use the most from Kali Linux. What do you recommend? What do you think of the Acer R3-131T-C1YF?

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