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Posts posted by graythang

  1. Got the LANO208B USB -> Ethernet adaptor as a part of the Hak5 kit.  

    Anyone know of any special drivers etc that the adaptor needs?  When I plug it I get no connection.

    comp <-> usb adaptor <-> cat5 to switch/router.   no link





  2. On 4/21/2017 at 1:03 AM, Sebkinne said:

    Once I get a tiny bit of time I'll ship a newer version of libpcap with a new firmware that'll fix the issue.

    appreciate that, but if your life is anything like mine a little bit of time is a hard hard commodity to come by :) 


  3. On 12/3/2016 at 11:36 PM, Sebkinne said:

    Actually, we ship a newer version of libpcap, which in my eyes is the right thing to do. Reaver simply doesn't like it and won't run correctly. Having spoken to the reaver devs, they have also abandoned the project as the cleanup is too much hassle, so we never pursued this further. 

    The fix would be compiling reaver with a statically linked version of libpcap (an older version that is verified to work). 

    Given that its know to be inoperative and abandoned, wouldn't it be a good idea to either archive it off or make a note in the modules management page?  Or is there a pinned post somewhere with the modules status that i've missed? Thankfully I only waisted a single day before finding out the module was inoperative. :)


  4. 17 hours ago, hipcrime said:

    Mac can ping the BB:

    $ ping
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.452 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.463 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.452/0.458/0.463/0.006 ms

    BB can not ping the Mac:

    root@bunny:~# ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms

    Definitely something wrong with BB's network.

    hipcrime give this a shot. (Im assuming your on a Mac still)  I'm sure you already now where stuff is but Im being very verbose in case anyone else reads this that doesn't already know where to find everything... :)

    Probably not absolutely necessary but just to be sure everything is at defaults you can reset the BB -  put the switch to armed mode (position closest to the USB plug) next plug it in and unplug it as soon as the green led blinks off.  Do this 3 times (I do it 4 times just to be sure & because according to my wife I can't count lol).  Then plug it in and let it run. you should see a red blinking led after a bit. let it run until it finishes (can't recall if it show a green or blue led when done but I think it was blue...hmmmm looks like more than my counting skills have taken a vacation :P  ).  

    You should also see it popup on your screen as normal. (tip, if not open the Disk Utility and check for it there... if shows grey'ed out, right click and select Mount  [ you can find disk utilities in finder under Applications - Utilities].  

    Once the BashBunny shows up, open it and in finder navigate to "Payloads" -> Switch1" and open the "payload.txt" file there. For MAC the text you should see is "ATTACKMODE ECM_ETHERNET"  (w/o the quotes). Close the file (don't forget to save it if you had to make changes). 

    Now Eject the BashBunny (you can right click on and select the Eject option - or drag it to the trash can)


    1) open terminal window on the mac

    2) enter the commands below:  (note if your running as admin you won't need to use 'sudo' - but... you should really think about changing that habit)

    •  sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.nat NAT -dict-add SharingNetworkNumberStart
    •  sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.nat NAT -dict-add SharingNetworkNumberEnd
    •  sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.nat NAT -dict-add SharingNetworkMask

        Then enter:

    •     defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.nat

        make sure you see the following listed somewhere in the text that now shows in the terminal:

                SharingNetworkNumberEnd = "";

                SharingNetworkNumberMask = "";

                SharingNetworkNumberStart = "";

    3)  next you want to plug in the BashBunny and open "Network" under System Preferences 

    • click on "RNDIS/...t Gadget" in the left window of the UI  (if its not there go back and check the contents of the payload.txt file)
    • verify "Configure IPv4:" is set to "Using DHCP with manual address"  (Thanks again Torrey for pointing that out)
    • in "IP address:" set it to read ""

            (note if the lock at the lower left is closed, click it and enter the admired/pw so you can make changes)

    4) now open "Sharing" under "System Preferences"

    • Under "Share your connection from:" make sure you've selected the type of connection your using (Wi-Fi or Ether net etc), 
    • Under "To computers using:"  add check marks to "USB 10/100 LAN" & "RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget"
    • Now click "Internet Sharing" in the right window - this causes a popup window - click on "Start" when you see it.

    5)  in the terminal window enter "ifconfig"  you should see and entry named bridge - mine reads "bridge100:" and lists "inet"

    • Next ssh to the BB "ssh root@" and log in

            on the BB ssh terminal run:

    • "ipconfig"  you should see "usb0 with inet add:


    • "netstat -r"  you should see under the "Gateway" column.

    if all of this is in place you should be able to ping www.google.com and get a response.  

    let me know if it works :)




  5. I got it to work. 

    Short answer: use root@bunny:~# route add default gw 172.16.64.(octet assigned to your BB by the mac)

    so for mine it was root@bunny:~# route add default gw



    Long answer

    I had the same problem described by HipCrime above.   after scratching my head for a minute and rebooting the mac and trying all the suggestions in the post I finally went back to the basics (always do it by the numbers when your stumped).


    So I connected up the BB opened a term on the mac and check ifconfig to see where the BB IP-addrs was set


    next I check networking to see if it matched and to see what the other settings were (originally the DNS server was set to , i set it to to match what was in the BB /etc/resolv.conf).  


    Next I ssh into the BB using ssh root@

    in a separate shell on the mac I started tcpdump on the BB interface (in my case en10)

    tcpdump -i en10

    back in BB land I ran netstat -r to see the route table and watched the tcpdump action

    looking in the tcpdump window I see ARPs for


    and the route table on BB shows:


    Which can't be right for ICS because ifconfig on the mac shows as the interface and while I get why the OS X networking UI would show as the router, I didn't get where the in the BB route table came from. The BB's default route should point to the interface assigned to it in OS X (in my case the ip).  so a quick 'route add' later and the BB was up and connecting like a champ



    hope this helps :)

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