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Posts posted by jjkwasnik

  1. I also had some issues with clients showing up and connecting with my aruba. Since I dont have RF protect licenses installed, I knew it wasn't an issue with IDS. I did add every BSSID that was showing in WMS as interfering / rogue. Aruba was not seeing those BSSID's as valid.

    I had factory reset the device multiple times, without any success. At this point I have spent 4-5 hours wondering why I cant discover clients on my own network, although neighbor AP's I am able to.

    After a while I had decided to "enable" my 2.4 ghz radios, I typically only use 5ghz in my home network, and lab (2.4 is a legacy technology in my mind). As soon as the clients connected to 2.4, I started seeing the MAC's of the clients in Recon mode, I was also able to add the clients to the client lists, and send deauths as expected.

    It seems as even though this device supports 5ghz for SSID Beacons being received, the support for 5ghz clients still doesn't exists.

    Hopefully an update will come soon, to address the limitations of 5ghz.


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