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Posts posted by tirou

  1. Hello everyone,

    I would like to ask, what am I doing wrong with PSEXEC module:

    I have target machine Windows XP SP3 where Administrator account exists, and I would like to test if auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login module will successfully connect to the target machine.

    Problem is doesn't matter what kind of password will I set (tried even with BLANK password), the response is always the same:

    ​SMB - Failed: 'WORKGROUP\Administrator:pass1', Login Failed: The server responded with error: STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE (Command=15 WordCount=0)

    Steps I perform:

    1. BLANK_PASSWORDS = TRUE (I tried with blank passwords as well)


    3. RHOSTS = (my target machine)

    4.RPORT = 445

    5.SMBDomain = WORKGROUP

    6.SMBPass = ""

    7.SMBUser = Administrator



    10. RUN alert.png

    and always receive the same error (above). I tried with Windows XP SP2 as well - the same result.

    Is there any option to turn on which I do not know ? Could someone reply ?

    Thank you.

  2. Thank you for the response. Unfortunately like i described problem, I do not need browser exploitation, because it require action from client side, what I need is totally without noticing by client that attack has been performed. So the effect should be like with netapi exploit - client do nothing and I get access to the meterpreter session..

  3. Hello everyone I have a question to experienced pentesters. I am looking for few exploits working in a similar way to ms08_067_netapi. I need e.g. 3 more exploits, which can be used with meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload and able to exploit WinXP SP2 in the following way: I am setting RHOST and LHOST and if exploit succeds - meterpreter session will open itself automatically

    Is there anyone who was testing a lot of exploits and is able to recommend me some?

    Thank you.

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