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Posts posted by EsAu

  1. 1 OTA (over the air) is always slower then an physical connection (usb)

    2 You might not have set your pineapple up correctly... check out pineapple uni or just the hak5 channel... also check the video about the pineapple setup on a computer... you might be trying to connect to the right ip, but using the wrong protocol. try running nmap on your computer when it is connected to the pineapple... then see which port it is using.

    I wish you good luck and better internet.

    ps. you will still have slow internet if you only use your phone's data... it's not as good as a legit internet connection...

  2. So i just registered today on this awesome forum. Hoping to gain knowledge and learn from people about hacking from this forum. so i have some questions (Its nub questions)

    1)What is Dns and Dns spoofing?

    2)What is a Default Gateway and what is a Subnet mask?

    3)What is a Port?

    4)When i use Nmap in Kali Linux sometimes when i scan Ips it shows all ports are filtered what does that mean?

    5)So when i open My Slowloris dos Program what should i set the -timeout to be? 1 second or 100 seconds

    Okay that's all of my Questions sorry if am really noobish

    thanks in advanced.

    1 DNS is like the phone-book of the internet... google is the website name (www.google.com) but it also has an ip which you can get by using a command like ping...

    DNS spoofing is tricking a computer to go to the wrong ip (and therefore the wrong website)

    2 Default gateway is the internal ip of your router... the subnet mask is the way the network is split... home networks would have lots of available subnets but few hosts ( link with more detail :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkNq4TrHP_U

    3 Ports are (if open) sort of open doors where information can flow between computers. The "traditional internet" (http) is on port 80 and the "secure internet" (https) is on port 443

    4 Filtered ports send a signal back that U SHALL NOT PASS and closed ports don't answer.

    5 Dos'ing a machine is almost imposible with only one computer, look in to DDos'sing (basically Dos'ing with more machines). The more fun stuff is mitm (man in the middle), just look this one up on youtube... good tools include bettercap ettercap mitmf and ofc. the wifi pineapple. But check if you are allowed to do it on the network you are on...

  3. It depends on what you do...

    There is the light weight version of kali which uses the xfce desktop enviroment., and there is a version using gnome 3.

    Gnome is pretty, but xfce is faster.

    Both versions will all most for sure be able to run on your machine.

    Link here

    To install it you will need to make an bootable usb device (and back up any data on the machine), or cd.

    I recomend the usb, and making it using rufus - link here

    Now you will need to change your bios. To do this shut your pc down, and keep tapping some of the F* keys.

    My bios key is F12, but i have seen some on others, even the delete key. Now change the boot order so usb is first. alternetivly try to find your boot device menu.

    When you boot to the usb use the live cd option.

    Now try to follow this tuturial -link here

    Be careful and have fun!

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