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Posts posted by Viss

  1. Hey folks,

    So I'm on an active gig and I have two turtles deployed at a client. I burned all of yesterday trying to follow a bunch of walkthroughs of how to get openvpn setup (I think I have the server mostly setup), so rather than burning any more days of this gig trying to get the client part on the turtle working, I was hoping to basically copypaste some sort of simple config from someone who already has it setup. If anybody has a quick, bullet-point list of the steps required that would be super useful.

    I fathom that in the future (the very near future) these steps could be rolled into a deployment shell script that would permit someone in a pentest/redteam role to rapidly deploy a brand new server on an ec2/digitalocean VM and quickly reconfigure the turtle - this is especially helpful if you end up playing cat-and-mouse with the blueteam and they find/block your hosts in a short turn around.

    Any help would be appreciated!

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