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Posts posted by Peyo

  1. I've been tested those commands on a Win7: opening a admin command prompt with powershell, resizing (the mod string), selecting "move" and moving down with down arrow key, and works like a charm.

    Maybe the prior commands are the trouble in the full sequence. Are you sure the sequence is executed correctly? It means, is really saving (Control+S), typing the filename (C:\...) and closing the file (ALT+F4) before opening the command prompt? For example, if the save dialog is not showing at time (1.05 secs in your case), the rest of the commands are pointless.

    Anyway, if you "move down" the cmd window, is not necessary the resize function ;)

  2. ALT Y command is used when a modal dialog appears and you want to select a button with a shortcut with the letter Y. In this case, the script is trying to select the "Yes" option. That order only works on Windows with english as primary language (for example, in spanish the combination is "ALT S").

    To avoid language dependence, I recommend you to use "LEFTARROW+ENTER", assuming any admin order has the option "No" pre selected, on a scheme where the order is "YES - NO"

    Before going on, I suggest you to understand the script, trying to reproduce line by line. There is no sense in send a payload that you don't understand (i.e., if you have a disk partition, why you need to create a file when simply you can execute from the ducky drive?)

  3. Assuming Windows as OS Target, Twin Duck Firmware (with SD labeled as "DUCKY") ,and the HTML page on the root of SD as "page.html":

    DELAY 1000
    GUI R
    DELAY 100
    STRING cmd
    DELAY 100
    DELAY 150
    STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%A:)
    STRING "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %DUCKYdrive%\page.html & exit
    DELAY 1000

    Remember adjust the delay time to work properly on the target machine.

  4. Hola a todos. Hello everyone, I read this thread, and after various tests, I tell my experience after trying to touch the files (s. Properties), and not solve anything.

    I finally managed to work me as follows : In Windows 7, with the notebook I write the script with international selecting Spain Spanish keyboard, the icon in the lower left side of the icons of exam: state clock, time, etc. and I save it. After that open a cmd console with administrator permissions, and change to the English keyboard settings United States, I run the sequence: java -jar encoder.jar -i -o yourfile.txt inject.bin, and generates the bin file with the characters(: / \).


    Hola telecopc!

    In your sequence, I miss the language input:

    java -jar encoder.jar -i -o yourfile.txt inject.bin -l PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_LAYOUT

    By default (without -l option), the encoder use "US" keyboard.

  5. 5. How is the support for Spanish keyboards? Official? Is it nice?

    There are 2 different spanish layouts. I posted a "third" layout, but only are minor changes to one of them.
    Hope this helps you.
    And for the firmwares, there are new commands (like REPEAT) and improvements. I flashed my RB on Win and OSX, without issues.
  6. Yes,

    First, use the encoder provided by midnitesnake on github https://github.com/midnitesnake/USB-Rubber-Ducky

    Then, enconde your payload with:

    $java -jar duckencode.jar -i YOUR_PAYLOAD -o inject.bin -l us

    If this still inserting wrong chars, you have two options:

    1. Try searching on this forum for a custom US keyboard layout and add to "resource" folder, then you need to encode with -l resources/US_CUSTOM_KEYBOARD_YOU_JUST_DOWNLOAD
    2. Edit the file located in resources/us.properties and adjust to your keyboard layout

    To test, try using this payload:

    DELAY 2000
    REM -- assuming you're using Windows by the previous example provided
    GUI R
    STRING notepad
    DELAY 500
    DELAY 750
    STRING qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
    DELAY 500
    DELAY 500
    STRING 1234567890-=
    DELAY 500
    STRING !"£$%^&*()_+
    DELAY 500
    STRING `[];'#,./
    DELAY 500
    STRING ~{}:@~|<>? \ |
    DELAY 500

    And see what happens.

  7. Gracias DragsterPS!, Prefiero hablar en Inglés para seguir con el estándar del foro :)

    I am using OSX with ES-ISO Keyboard, and using a custom properties, based on your file but modified by Neoelkrita (posted in other thread on this forum). Differences with Matto are:

    ASCII_23 = KEY_3, MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT                                                            
    // 35 #                                                       
    ASCII_3C = KEY_NON_US_100                                                                                               
    // 60 <
    ASCII_40 = KEY_Q, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT                                                            
    // 64 @
    ASCII_5B = KEY_QUOTE, MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT                                                   
    // 91 [                                                                                                                                                               
    ASCII_5C = KEY_MINUS, MODIFIERKEY_RIGHT_ALT                                                   
    // 92 \                                                                                                                                                                  
    // 93 ]                                                                              
    // 94 ^
    ASCII_7B = KEY_QUOTE                                                
    // 123 {                                                                           
    ASCII_7C = KEY_TILDE                                                
    // 124 |                                                                           
    ASCII_7D = KEY_BACKSLASH                                     
    // 125 }                                                                          
    // 126 ~                                                                                       
    ISO_8859_1_BA = KEY_TILDE, MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT             
    // 127 º

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