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Posts posted by brownwater

  1. Thanks Man, It is a hardware setup and thought about imaging each drive and rebuilding the raid on an offsite PC.

    There is know Admin or IT support. Was a hasting LAN build to get a company up and running by the owner. Even the security is hosed with having each employee having Admin rights to the local PC. So will rebuild once this issue is resolved.

    Anyone know the going rate for pentesters in CA?

    Thanks again!

  2. Hello all! Lurking for awhile and now posting.

    I have a few issues.

    1st- wanted to know best software to use in cloning a raid 5 array with each drive at 256GB.

    Need to be complete bit by bit clone. So far seems like acronis true image 2015 is the one that seems a go to for now, opinions?

    2nd- Is there a way of bypassing Win7 local login without having to change password? I have tools that will bypass but would have to change password.

    I know how this sounds bad but have an employee with local admin rights to node and encrypting company data.



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