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Posts posted by deltapoot

  1. Through the web interface... ? I've tried classic and client mode but both didn't really worked, I putted a static ip on the pi, couldn't ping it from pineapple over ssh

    So I tried to recreate this with my raspberry pi and I had no issue connecting to it. What are your network settings for the pineapple? Did you also create a static ip for the wifi pineapple?
  2. From my understanding you could be able to do this. The reason I say this is that the pineapple can even connect to itself wirelessly (although that would create issues since it is both broadcasting and receiving on the same channel).

    In theory, what you should be able to do is connect to the wifi pineapple using the third device then, knowing the ip address of the raspberry pi you could perhaps ssh to the pi. In order to do so the ports on both the pi and the pineapple should be open.

    Seeing that by default the ssh port (port 22) is open on the wifi pineapple there shouldn't be an issue to connect through. You would just have to make sure the raspberry pi is configured with port 22 open. I would also advise you to set a static IP address for the raspberry pi.

    Everyone, please correct me if I am wrong. I'm still new to all this networking mumbo-jumbo.

  3. Hey everyone, so I'm still a new to the MarkV/WifiPineapples in general so this might be an easy question to answer. Today I ran Karma for a few hours and as it was running I had a few clients connected and there was traffic being exchanged. After this session I turned off the MarkV and I went to revisit and review my earlier session. I couldn't find any evidence that my devices were connected to the pineapple or that any traffic was exchanged, does karma not log this? Is the karma log only temporary for the session?

    If so, what is the best way to log karma sessions?


  4. Hello! I am having this same issue. I cannot connect to the spoofed AP's that are broadcasted by the wifi pineapple. Am I doing something wrong?

    Edit: I have fixed this issue after restoring system defaults. I don't know why this worked or what I screwed up while using the MkV before this issue. When I had this issue my Mk5 was recently updated to the latest firmware and I had no infusions installed/running.

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