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Posts posted by precursor

  1. I forgot to post the debug output from sslsplit:

    Generated RSA key for leaf certs.
    SSLsplit 0.4.9 (built 2015-03-10)
    Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Daniel Roethlisberger <daniel@roe.ch>
    Build info: V:FILE
    Features: -DHAVE_NETFILTER
    NAT engines: netfilter* tproxy
    compiled against OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015 (1000200f)
    rtlinked against OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015 (1000200f)
    TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) supported
    OpenSSL is thread-safe with THREADID
    SSL/TLS algorithm availability: RSA DSA ECDSA DH ECDH EC
    compiled against libevent 2.0.22-stable
    rtlinked against libevent 2.0.22-stable
    2 CPU cores detected
    - []:8080 tcp plain netfilter
    - []:8443 ssl plain netfilter
    Loaded CA: '/C=US/ST=UT/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd/CN=Someone'
    Using libevent backend 'epoll'
    Event base supports: edge yes, O(1) yes, anyfd no
    Inserted events:
      0x12054b0 [fd 7] Read Persist
      0x1208740 [fd 8] Read Persist
      0x12088f0 [fd 9] Read Persist
      0x12052e8 [fd 6] Read Persist
      0x1208980 [fd 3] Signal Persist
      0x1208bc0 [fd 1] Signal Persist
      0x1208cf0 [fd 2] Signal Persist
      0x1208e20 [fd 13] Signal Persist
    Initialized 4 connection handling threads
    Started 4 connection handling threads
    Starting main event loop.
    Connecting to []:80
    tcp []:19970 []:80
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Connecting to []:443
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 69:c6:f2:83:ee:0a:16:3b:fd:a6:df:f7:21:c9:97:0a:6d:7d:65:91
    Certificate cache: MISS
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 16:64:58:97:e4:90:80:7d:84:77:67:bd:f2:93:c6:f2:ea:d6:68:d4
    ssl []:5808 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    Garbage collecting caches started.
    Garbage collecting caches done.
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Connecting to []:443
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 69:c6:f2:83:ee:0a:16:3b:fd:a6:df:f7:21:c9:97:0a:6d:7d:65:91
    Certificate cache: HIT
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 16:64:58:97:e4:90:80:7d:84:77:67:bd:f2:93:c6:f2:ea:d6:68:d4
    ssl []:48310 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Connecting to []:443
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Connecting to []:443
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Connecting to []:443
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 1d:53:37:af:7a:4d:b6:c9:ff:4d:39:35:f7:bb:06:64:58:54:36:bb
    Certificate cache: MISS
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 4b:fb:b2:96:45:b8:fc:66:32:10:ab:36:21:13:c3:34:4a:5e:52:9c
    ssl []:32910 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Attempt reuse dst SSL session
    Connecting to []:443
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 1d:53:37:af:7a:4d:b6:c9:ff:4d:39:35:f7:bb:06:64:58:54:36:bb
    Certificate cache: HIT
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 4b:fb:b2:96:45:b8:fc:66:32:10:ab:36:21:13:c3:34:4a:5e:52:9c
    ssl []:29356 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 1d:53:37:af:7a:4d:b6:c9:ff:4d:39:35:f7:bb:06:64:58:54:36:bb
    Certificate cache: HIT
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 4b:fb:b2:96:45:b8:fc:66:32:10:ab:36:21:13:c3:34:4a:5e:52:9c
    ssl []:28325 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 69:c6:f2:83:ee:0a:16:3b:fd:a6:df:f7:21:c9:97:0a:6d:7d:65:91
    Certificate cache: HIT
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 16:64:58:97:e4:90:80:7d:84:77:67:bd:f2:93:c6:f2:ea:d6:68:d4
    ssl []:25598 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Connecting to []:443
    SNI peek: [n/a] [complete]
    Attempt reuse dst SSL session
    Connecting to []:443
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /C=US/ST=WA/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/OU=Xbox/CN=*.xbox.com
    Common Names: *.xbox.com/*.xbox.com
    Fingerprint: fa:36:ff:8e:70:87:3d:52:3b:65:23:43:65:63:36:5e:4f:24:a6:eb
    Certificate cache: MISS
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /C=US/ST=WA/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/OU=Xbox/CN=*.xbox.com
    Common Names: *.xbox.com/*.xbox.com
    Fingerprint: 44:4c:08:75:ea:66:05:74:ff:37:de:d0:15:2e:bb:c2:26:e3:12:76
    ssl []:10291 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xbox.com/*.xbox.com origcrt:*.xbox.com/*.xbox.com
    ===> Original server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 1d:53:37:af:7a:4d:b6:c9:ff:4d:39:35:f7:bb:06:64:58:54:36:bb
    Certificate cache: HIT
    ===> Forged server certificate:
    Subject DN: /CN=*.xboxlive.com
    Common Names: *.xboxlive.com
    Fingerprint: 4b:fb:b2:96:45:b8:fc:66:32:10:ab:36:21:13:c3:34:4a:5e:52:9c
    ssl []:57485 []:443 sni:- crt:*.xboxlive.com origcrt:*.xboxlive.com
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    Unclean SSL shutdown.
    SSL_free() in state 00002190 = SSL_ST_ACCEPT|0190 = 3RCKEA (SSLv3 read client key exchange A) [accept socket]
    SSL_free() in state 00000003 = 0003 = SSLOK  (SSL negotiation finished successfully) [connect socket]
    Garbage collecting caches started.
    Garbage collecting caches done.
    ^CReceived signal 2
    Main event loop stopped.
  2. I'm attempting to sniff my Xbox 360's traffic and see the cleartext data sent over HTTPS+SSL.

    My xbox 360's local IP address is:

    My attacker Arch Linux box's address is:

    I have installed dsniff and SSLsplit on attacker box and am performing an ARP cache poisoning attack using the following commands simultaneous in two terminal windows:

    arpspoof -i enp0s25 -t

    arpspoof -i enp0s25 -t

    I created a fake certificate using the following commands:

    openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
    openssl req -new -x509 -days 1826 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
    I am running sslsplit like this:
    sslsplit -D -l connections.log -j /var/log/sslsplit/ -S logdir/ -k ca.key -c ca.crt ssl 8443 tcp 8080
    When I login to XBL on the 360, I see non-SSL traffic over port 80 in the logs, but the SSL traffic over port 443 has log files with nothing in them (size=0KB).
    My guess is there is a problem with my certificate, it's not able to verify that it has been signed by a Root CA. Do you know of a way to fix this issue?
    If that's not the issue, what is and how can I fix it?
    Thanks for your help.
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