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Posts posted by master

  1. sebkinne - can I pay you to write me something that will just spit out / stream all visible mac addresses of client radios nearby via udp to a specific ip address? I can then take that data and massage it on my other linux box miles away. A script or source would be better than a binary so that I could expand it once I understand the basics.


  2. thanks for the replies.

    Sebkinne - if there is something for me to look at that would be cool.

    i8igmac - dnsmasq? Are you thing the mac addresses will show because of queries to a dns server? I want to log them based on beacons, probes, etc - so they dont necessarily have to even be logged in.

    Nordstrom was recently discovered to be tracking their customers using this same idea - anyone know what they used for this?

  3. I just purchased a pineapple, hopefully it will arrive shortly : ) Hoping to have someone tell me if this has been done or discussed before. I have a parcel of land that has video surveillance and gets logged based on date / time. I would like to log any unique macs of devices that are on (near) my property during those times. I would also like to setup alerts when certain ones are seen again, for instance next time the guy who stole my tools comes back. I know this is all possible, just wondering if I need to start from scratch or if any of this has been done already.



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