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Posts posted by fatalflaw

  1. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


    Very smart guy... Thats why america trains you to be loyal to the flag, and the ideology it represents, not to any goverment or president (and also where the current Bush Admin. differs from the previous ones). Its a nice little insurance mechanism if things go tits-up down the line.

    "A man may be loyal to his government and yet oppose the particular principles and methods of administration." by Abraham Lincoln

    He said it best :)

  2. I wonder how many americans today know just how much the outside world distrusts America today.

    Or to what extent their economy is being kept afloat by China lending money to the US.

    But what do they care, right? As long as they can clog up there arteries with their fast food and murder by polluting the most and driving the most gas-guzzling cars known to man, everything's fine.

    First off let me state where I am coming from. Yes, I am an American but I'm not one of these morons who bang their head against a wall waving a flag chanting USA USA USA like they had one too many whiskeys.

    Now that is out of the way I want to say that ofcourse alot of people distrust America, some with good reason some with bad, some with no reason at all. Look at any company that is a big player, or rather any organization that is in the spotlight. Its always the prime target to go after the top of the pyramid because they are the easiest to see, the most well known. Shady buisiness tactics or even government tactics are for the most part plain to see and pick apart and ofcourse that isn't counting the stuff we don't know about. I just wish two things, one that people will stop trusting media so blindly just because it isnt "American media". This refers to alot of people in europe taking everything the BBC says as truth without even checking their facts and E V E R Y O N E, even the reporters have bias one way or the other and A L L media has a slant on it, even independent journalism. The other thing I wish is that people will stop trusting our own American media, e.g.-fox news, cbs, msnbc, etc. There is an old saying that those that control the media control the people and for the most part this is true. About China giving the US money, I can actually see that happening but where you read this, did you actually read it and believe it even if it was in multiple sources and trust it blindly or were you actually in the meeting where the check changed hands and witnessed it with your own eyes. Don't believe everything you hear.

    And yes, we are all overweight, all polluters, all evil car crazy people that has a SUV in every garage. My god when I go to a parking lot its hard to tell which SUV is mine, they're just SUV's as far as the eye can see. Nope, no economy cars here, nope, no hybrids either, no organizations here trying to get ethenol or other enviroment friendly fuel sources going, nope.. its all a fantasy. Just close your eyes little americans and continue to dream, when you wake up you'll have a brand new SUV in the driveway that utterly fail emission standards. We're also all drunk trailortrash rednecks that give our wives black eyes and we all live in the country. But hey, why we are all into stereotyping and believing whatever we're fed, lets go to the Netherlands, where they always stay out of wars even if hundreds of thousands of people are being innocently slaughtered (*cough* world war 1 *cough*) and where the people, according to Wikipedia are drug addicts, prostitutes, same-sex married and euthanasia loving people in the world.

    I'll admit, the US probably is the most dishonest country (govt wise) in the world and there are alot of things our leaders do that are very questionable. But just because our president is a moron (I didn't vote for him) , has a GPA below 2.0, and didn't renew in the Kyoto treaty does NOT mean that we are all idiots who voted for bush, all sucked in school, and all pollute! Next time you say "Americans" be a lil more concious about how you are lumping ALL of us into one group. And yeah we could vote for other parties, but if you would of read further on Wikipedia or spent more than 10 minutes if any at all in the States you would realize taht it is a little more screwed up than that. The Electorial colleges screw it all up, a state in particular can vote even 99% one way and the Electorial College still has the ability to override that majority vote and vote their own way. Oh yeah, we WOULD of voted for a diff president besides Bush or Kerry but omg, there was no one else RUNNING. Now if I'm wrong about no one else running, please let me know the name because I may not have even been aware of it. Not that I believe everything the media says but its pretty hard to see past that big ass umbrella of lies they cast when its completely surrounding you.

    and Vako, the "one pesons terrorist is anothers freedom fighter", I think that is the saying by Thomas Jefferson that said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

    But ofcourse distinguishing between patriot or tyrant is all dependent on if you win or lose. As an unknown source said

    "History is written by the victor." -- Unknown

    So if there is an uprising, the outcome will determine the label.

    But back to Cooper, I digress, if you abso-frigen-lutely have to place blame somewhere, place it on big buisiness as another poster already stated. Money = power here and votes = shit.

    Just please be a lil more wise and a lil less quick to believe whatever you hear and talk about what you know, not what you hear.

    </End Rant>

  3. I feel sorry for the poor bastard that coughed up that proposasl Vako, the EFF is going to be all over their asses like a crackwhore on a connection.

    Besides, if it DOES pass, yeah it would suck, but look at the bright side, all the script kiddies will be put away or taken offline and all the 1337 people will still be out in the wild because we actually know how to use a frigen proxy lol.

    Sure D.O.J., come arrest me! If you need me I'm on 3rd and Main in Beijing China! Or wait.. is it Sweden? Or then again, it could be Brazil!

    Thankfully there are fundamental laws of TCP/IP that can't be broken no matter how hard the govt wants them too, similar to up is up, down is down, what goes up must come down, etc etc. Simply put there are ways that TCP/IP function that most of us are familiar with that if done right will make us nearly impossible or flat out impossible to track down. Just can't wait for Muni Wifi

    As far as I'm concerned, they can label us terrorists all they want, put any spin on us they want to try and win the public opinion, we all know the truth and the harder they come at us the harder we'll lash back. Same way you deal with a dog who's attitude and size have grown too big for his own good, negative reinforcement, beat the crap out of him till it learns it lesson and place in the pecking order of things.

  4. One reason I'll upgrade asap.. Direct X 10

    The only slight drawback is I'll have to wait to buy Vista until a bad ass DX10 card has been released and then buy the most up to date motherboard as well just to compliment the package.

    Vista does have its flaws, like their big brother bullsh** about DRM among others, just read up on it on the web. However, me being a hardcore gamer at heart, I can't ignore the benefits offered by a non backwards compatible DX10 technology so there is no bottlenecking. But naturally that wont be the only OS I have installed incase I want to watch a movie or something that Vista wont let me do, or a game that abso-frigen-lutely wont work with DX10 and needs DX9 etc.

    Can't forget the always ever important partition of Linux to :)

  5. Will try it out :) Ty for the tip.

    But I have just one other lil problem. I have Suse installed on my laptop, I also have live distros of Knoppix STD and Auditor Security Suite but it's giving me hell with my wireless card. Its weird, its a 2wire PCMCIA a/b card that identifies under linux as Orinoco and Hermes and when it tries to load the driver for it on ANY distro it fails to respond (the card) so it skips it.

    I really REALLY dont know what the hell is going on.

    Anyways the only clue I got is that XP detects it as a 2wire device, no mention of orinoco anywhere, but Linux dosent see it that way.

    Now the fun explanation.. When I originally bought the card, I ordered a Orinoco classic gold card cause they are known for being very good in rfmon mode and linux friendly. Instead came the 2wire card with the apparent explanation that 2wire MADE the Orinoco card, similar to VGA or Asus making a "Nvidia" card. You get the picture. Makes me think they did something like flash the cards ident or something but I'm not sure and it confuses me cause it still works under windows. Even Winpcap can use it in monitor mode so I know its "functioning". meh I just don't know what to do. Also on a laptop, I COULD download 2wire drivers, but its impossible to find the right set of linux drivers, even harder to install them on a live distro with no floppy drive, and an even BIGGER killjoy about the horror stories I've heard about having to build the damn "special" driver into the kernel from friends. I know enough about linux to be an above average user but it dosent go beyond that so as far as that kind of advanced recompiling, I'm at a loss so that options out cause last time I did it it was a pain in the ass.

    Please, if anyone can help me close this pandoras box so I can frigen FINALLY use Kismet I'd be ever so greatful!

    Thanks in advance guys, keep the good info flowin, no one but the best on these forums. :)

  6. Well if he is trying to break in then he probably hasn't got a connection then so I don't know what to suggest.

    I wasn't saying he had a connection with me :) We were both using the same access point at a book store Barnes & Noble, going through the same router, hence, on the same network. With a packet sniffer running while on the same network as the person via that wireless router in the store, the packet sniffer can hone in on an IP address and such. It is my hope that by being able to select that particular IP that is attacking you through that wireless network and sending the attacker a bunch of ICMP packets the tracker program I want can time the responses based on how long it takes it to respond by combining the timed pings with a frequency strength meter.

    Basically here is what I'm thinking. First, we are on the same network connected together through a common router. I plug in the attackers network IP address into the tracker program. The program sends out a ping to that IP address. Based on reply time of wifi network type whether it be a/b/g it can measure the "likely" time it would take to hear the replyl cross over the air from it's target. In that time window it measures the signal strength of the burst from any wireless card that responds within that time frame. It keeps repeating the process while I walk around and try to make the signal strength get higher.

    Like I said it's just a theory, it may not even be possible, but as of yet I see no reason it can't be possible.

  7. You could just walk around with Netstumbler running or something and when the signal gets weaker you are going in the wrong direction and if it gets stronger then you are getting warmer.

    Unless you want to just look on your server or something from your desk and it tells you.

    I suppose you could have a map with were your AP is and then if you know the signal strength and have a key that tells you how far away they are then you would have a pretty good idea of where they are.

    Well I thought about Netstumbler but the problem with that is it can only track access points OR cards in Adhoc mode acting as an AP. It cant track individual users on a particular wireless network. And nah, not from a desk or a server, I'm talking on my laptop, I planned on carrying it around with me and use it to hone in on the guy who's trying to break into my laptop so I can wail on him.

  8. But if there is a program that can act as a stand alone measuring tool, you can walk around a given area where you suspect the person is or even the entire parking lot if your desperate enough and track the signal that way by just watching the strength rise and fall instead of having to setup triangulation stations.

    Like if someone hides in a parking lot , I walk to the 4 corners of the parking lot to establish a perimeter. Then I divide the parking lot to 4 quadrents and walk through the middle of each quadrent, the quadrent with the highest signal strength is the area your target in, and you keep dividing in on it until your standing ontop of the asshat trying to get into your system and wail on his ass.

    Manual triangulation. or rather would that be quadulation? O.o

  9. From what I've heard and understand it has something to do with the RADIUS protocol or tech (tired, cant think of the appropiate word) to measure signal strength and distance or at the very least strength. If it can atleast do that by focusing on a certain packet stream like a wifi packet sniffer with a filter does, by walking around and watching the signal strength get weaker or stronger you can find the person yourself with a little bit of legwork.

    The reason why I ask is last time I was at a Barnes & Noble bookstore I was reading and doing some surfing while sippin on some starbucks (yum) and my alarm starts going off because I start getting flooded with name requests for workgroup and authentification requests from an actual user on that wifi network. I was pissed and I want the ability to find any ****er that does this just to walk up to him, tell him "You wanted in my laptop so bad, so here it is" and smash it over his head and kick his ass till the cops come and haul me off to jail. OOooor, fantasies aside, just to tell him to stop it, that you know he's the one, and just to see the look on his face *shudders* niiice :)

    Anyways yeah, RADIUS.. I think.

  10. Thats the thing, I'm sure I've seen a program that can do this running just from the laptop but I can't find it anymore. And I dont assume to be a professional, I know a little of alot, but lets just say my road of knowledge has pot holes lol. I'm thinking that if you and your attacker are on the same network, and you can ping him, by sending him an ack request when it responds given a within a set time span that it must be your target your trying to track and by measuring the signal that particular ack request got sent from and its strength you can track it to a fixed location.

    Again, not sure, but its just a theory.

  11. I know there are systems out there where you setup sensors inside the building and walk the perimeter and afterwards it can triangulate locations of rogue users and other devices but I'm looking for something simpler, and preferrably open source.

    I know that accuracy will be way down for what I'm asking but I'd like just a simple system that would run on XP, allow me to select a user on the wireless network or the router itself, hit track, and by walking around looking at the signal strength in relation to that one specific device I selected, I can do my own triangulation to help pin the loc down.

    On the plus side my Orinoco gold card (frigen hard to find lately) supports passive rfmon so thats a bonus.

    Any help would be appreciated. Also any opensource wifi security programs that can silently run in the background monitering traffic and if it sees anything suspecious, like all of a sudden a ton of packet floods coming my way from a connection that it knows without a doubt isnt what I'm initiating, that it'll set off an alarm. I've seen programs like this and the wifi tracker out there before but for the life of me I cannot find them, google is disappointing me, and I'm getting desperate.

    If you made it this far, thank you for putting up with the long ass read,

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Fatal Flaw

  12. This pic's about a year old. Its been repainted pearlescent black fading to blue and a body kit added as of late.

    Only thing I'm missing right now is a mount for my laptop and a permanent fixture for my wifi antenna to make war driving oh so easier. Can't find the one right for me though so I might have to custom make one.

    Looking for one that can lock into position where I can access it easily or can unlock and swivel over so the passenger can use it or make sure netstumbler and the usb gps device are actually getting along lol.


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