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Posts posted by BoredKitty

  1. I guess my goal at the moment would be to understand networking packets and all that jazz as you put it, I would like to develop a better understanding of network security hence why I suggested messing around with Kali.

    Your second suggestion of replacing the Os of a mobile device sounds interesting, I've always liked the idea of being able to repurpose commercial hardware but I have absolutely no idea where to get started on that front.

  2. E3 2012. I remember casually lounging around watching the announcements from the various conferences and feeling a growing sense of disappointment as the hotly anticipated next-gen systems were nowhere to be seen. No worse there was nothing new anywhere to be seen.

    By this stage Microsoft and Sony had finished and on a whim I'd decided to keep watching the Ubisoft conference. Then out of nowhere came Watch_Dogs. I was blown away, excited beyond belief about playing this absolutely beautiful game, letting my imagination run wild as to the awesome hacking and combat that I envisioned myself doing.

    Frustratingly the game was not to come out for at least another two years and in my excitement, I decided to read up a bit about hacking, a subject I knew very little about. All of a sudden I dived into a world of foreign and exciting names, Trojans DDos attacks, Worms, Packet Sniffing, Digital Forensics. All of which sounded incredibly exciting.

    This coupled with several clips from the film Swordfish (a damn good film if technically cringe-worthy), made me feel like I could be some sort of Badass vigilante hacker myself. I wanted to know how to 'hack' wifi with my phone, to crack passwords, to create super-viruses, and a lot of other things that in hindsight seem kind of childish. In other words I had come to the internet hacking community for all the wrong reasons.

    Thankfully, I quickly came across a rather scathing answer to the question 'How do hackers learn to hack?" on yahoo answers. In it the author talks of how hackers are given a bad name by idiots (much like me), who come at the subject for all the wrong reasons, when hackers are truly highly curious people with a near insatiable technolust. I would have probably come away from this feeling really disappointed were it not for his final paragraph in which he recommends would be hackers start by learning how to program.

    For those of you who don't know, Udacity is a website collaboration by various US universities that run excellent online courses in a wide range of subjects with a particular focus on Computer Science. It was here that I began to learn Python. In my head I was still on this quest to become the vigilante hacker. The course was superb. However, by the end of it I was still no closer in my hacker quest and I became quite disheartened, and I ultimately stopped coding altogether.

    In the summer of 2013 whilst doing my A-Levels a teacher of mine mentioned a website called The Euler Project, it's a sort of mathematical challenge site that is near impossible without some coding skill. Having my background with Python I thought one dull weekend that I'd have a crack at some of the problems. It was really fun and incredibly satisfying to manage to complete them and I realised that I part of what I enjoyed about the entire process was writing my small python scripts to pop out an answer.

    I had started to properly enjoy coding. So on and off for the next year, I trawled various coding challenge sites slowly rebuilding my skills with Python (although I should point out at this point I am nowhere near Python fluent if such a thing exists). I then began to develop a real interest in how technology worked and a love of learning. It was only a couple of months ago that I began to think that perhaps I had finally developed the proper Hacker mindset. I started watching Harvard Computer Science Lectures, on Youtube, reading posts from tech forums and articles on technology sites and watching documentaries on Hacking culture. I also realised how much I still didn't know and how much I would possibly never know.

    The problem I face now and the question I wish to ask is what I should do next. I want to take my fairly basic knowledge of technology and nurture it to a more advanced stage there are several things that I have considered doing:

    1 - Getting a Raspberry Pi and basically messing around with it to see what I can make with it.

    2 - Getting Kali Linux and basically messing around with it to see what I can do with it (this is what I want to do most).

    3 - Servers - can I make one? What cool stuff can I do with it?

    4 - Wifi exploits (so probably Kali Linux)

    5 - Watching a lot of Hak 5 videos and trying to sponge knowledge from them.

    I feel like I'm finally coming at hacking with the correct mindset but whenever I look at something new I feel like I'm still far too much of a technonoob (which I am so copyrighting if it doesn't already exist), that I need to find something a bit more basic.

    Where do I start? Is it worth watching Hak 5 videos now or should I watch a more basic series first? Is Kali Linux something that I can pick up and with some internet resources, get a proper handle on? Is it advisable to learn a low-level programming language first? What were your first hacking or coding projects that got you going?

    I'm sorry if this has dragged on a bit and I applaud you if you read the whole thing and do not blame you if you did not.

    Any advice you could give on anything in this would be much appreciated. I am half fishing for resources to progress my technoknow (definitely copyrighting that one), and half checking to see if I have overlooked some important learning step in my technoed.

    Many Thanks


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