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  1. After a little research I found out that the code I previously posted is the binary of the code and that it looks way different. Thanks for trying to help though. To get the projector sequence and turn it into tv-b-gone code I can just use my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 to send the codes from the app and receive it using an Arduino. Then I can translate the code and put it on my ATtiny.......If anyone wants to know how to translate the code look at the bottom of this post convertion: 1. Find IR Sequence (look on google and you'll find pictures of what I mean) 2.find ms on the ms off and so on (emmited twice so multiply) 3.right it out const struct powercode sonyCode PROGMEM = { freq_to_timerval(38400), // 38.4 KHz {{240, 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 2700}, {240, 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 60}, {120, 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 60}, {60 , 0}// end of code } }; 4.Translate Index # PWM ON OFF 0 0.6 ms 0.6 ms 1 0.6 ms 270 ms 2 1.2 ms 0.6 ms 3 2.4 ms 0.6 ms 5.Time Table const uint16_t code_na000Times[] PROGMEM = { 60, 60, 60, 2700, 120, 60, 240, 60, }; 6.Translate Code (step 4) to binary #0 = 00 #1 = 01 #2 = 10 #3 = 11 7.Deep Compression 1110001000100000100000000111100010001000001000000001 to 8-bits 11100010 00100000 10000000 01111000 10001000 00100000 0001 Fix Code 11100010 00100000 10000000 01111000 10001000 00100000 00010000 In Hex E2208078882010 Translate (seperate every 2 chars) E2 20 80 78 88 20 10 Translate (add 0xchar pair) 0xE2 0x20 0x80 0x78 0x88 0x20 0x10 8.Order Code // The structure of compressed code entries struct IrCode { uint8_t timer_val; uint8_t numpairs; uint8_t bitcompression; uint16_t const *times; uint8_t codes[]; }; 9.Rewrite Code With IR Senquence const struct IrCode code_na000Code PROGMEM = { freq_to_timerval(38400), 26, // # of pairs 2, // # of bits per index code_na000Times, { 0xE2, 0x20, 0x80, 0x78, 0x88, 0x20, 0x10, } };
  2. Ive been working on the code but ive reached the point where I dont know the command #include <IRremote.h> int RECV_PIN = 11; IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { Serial.println(results.value, HEX); irrecv.disableIRIn(); // Stop the receiver } } Rsend irsend; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (Serial.read() != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { irsend.send(0xa90, 12); // Sony TV power code delay(100); } } } could someone please help me fix this code... Thanks
  3. The attachment has the Tv Off source files and the attachment for this post has the tv-b-gone firmware. I need all the codes in the app. However the app when you look at is has: Send All, Send Selected, and Send TV-B-Gone Codes. I need all the "codes" from send all. Then I would like to put them in the tv-b-gone.hex in the folder. Once I have finished that I can program the chip and turn off projectors as well. Thanks for the quick response . I can't send an attachment so here is whats in the tv-b-gone.hex file:
  4. Hi. I have some trouble I would like some help on. I have an app called "TV OFF" and its an app that uses your ir blaster to send tv-b-gone codes. However this app also has projectors and the tv-b-gone doesn't so I was wondering if somebody could help me extract the ir codes from the app. I then plan to put them in the tv-b-gone v1.2 firmware and reprogram my chip. The zip file is the app. Extract it and you will get all the source files. Thanks guys TV OFF v1.2.7.zip
  5. I have an idea for a tv-b-gone type device but I know nothing on circuits so I could use some help. I want to make a infrared repeater (Code name: The Black Mime). What I want the device to do is have a infrared sensor and save the infrared code onto a attiny85. If the switch for the sensor is off and a button is pressed then I want the infrared transmitter to send the last saved code. If the sensor is turned on after another code is saved then the attiny will reset itself and have no data on it then save the code received. That's basically what I want for this project. If this one gets built and posted then I will keep thinking of projects. Thanks, hypersonic5000
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