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Posts posted by mgrz

  1. Yes, it's probably just shipping problems. After all, why would the NSA want to intercept something so innocent and unassuming as a machine that speciallizes in hacking other machines? It's probably my fault, I must be some kind of bad guy if they think I'm important enough for them to use some of their enormous and completely justifiable budget to do those things that they do. I'm sure they would have no motives at all to install any backdoors or trojans in any computer systems. And the NSA must surely think that Americans are off limits because the NSA is Americas public servant, I know it because they said so. It would just be silly of me to think that they had some kind of agenda because Uncle Sam has always known what's best... I should just take my medication and get back to work on designing the most impenitrable tin foil hat ever.

  2. Hi everyone, I just joined the forums so this is my first post. Hoping nobody minds that i brought back an old thread, but I found it very interesting. The tracking info on 2 different packages that i ordered from hak5 seemed to change in mid-route, both packages were supposed to be delivered today (according to the tracking numbers yesterday), but now the tracking info is saying they wont be delivered for a couple more days. Normally that alone wouldn't bother me so much, but apparently they still haven't left California yet. In fact, I looked on a map to see where the packages are according to the names of the cities in the tracking information, and the packages seem to have only travelled a grand total of about 13 and a half miles from the hak5 warehouse since the time that I ordered them a few days ago. (It's not even a weekend, that's gotta be some kind of record.)

    Most of the people here seem to be under the impression that the NSA only targets criminals, but I think Edward Snowden would dissagree with that idea. Besides, I'm pretty sure that things like Wifi Pinapples and USB Rubber Duckies would attract their attention anyway, I mean if I were the NSA I would probably want to intercept hacking/pentesting gear too. But obviously the NSA can't intercept every package... So why would mine be any different than Trolljegeren's international package which apparently arrived in 3 days? And what should I do with it when it gets here? I'm not so sure if it would be a good idea to use an NSA-Moddified Pinapple to secure my network. That would be a bit like using a burgler-modified lock to secure your home.

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