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Posts posted by TechDude

  1. Hello,

    I have successfully enabled AutoSSH on my Pineapple so I can remotely access the web interface (e.g. However, I am having trouble SSH'ing into it via command line. I am trying to SSH into the exact same address which is working from the browser GUI (, but it is not working.

    When I try:

    ssh root@

    I get this error:

    ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known

    Is there a different address I'm suppose to SSH into or some other setting I need to configure?


  2. I think they are detecting the output of the oscillator on the radar detector. I'm not sure if an SDR would put off such a signal; maybe if you had two you could use one as a spectrum analyzer while the other receives the signal in question and look for any data?

    That is a very good idea. I wish I got two of them. I'm not sure how long it will be before I'll be able to get another one.

    Do you think I'd be able to do something similar with my SDR and a cheap radar detector?

  3. It seems that most posts on here are in regard to tracking flights. However, the post I'm quoting below refers to listening to audio. Is this possible using the HAK5 Software Defined Radio kit? If so, how? I don't care about only listening to military aircraft. I'm curious to hear any aircraft conversations. Thanks!


    I also do a ton of listening on the Military Bands using 12+ scanners to search the bands, heres a pic:


    If you're interested in what you can really hear (rarely does the miltiary encrypt during training missions) here's a liberary of audio I've recorded from my local area: http://www.milaircomms.com/audio_library.html I've got some pretty funny stuff recorded such as an F-15 pilot loosing his contact lens in flight, F-15 pilot opening a can of Coke in flight (you actually can hear it!) to training missions of AWACS directing fighters to targets.

    I just thought I'd share what I've been doing with Mode-S / ADSB since there's been a lot of shows on the subject.


    George - Daytona Beach, FL


  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radar_detector_detector - To read up on VG2 and the radar detection arms race.

    The point I was making is that radar and radio are in essence the same technology, except the transmission, once received, is interpreted differently resulting in a different application. The act of receiving the transmission and the side effects of doing so, I'm arguing, should thus be the same. So if the radar detection scenario also holds true to basically any radio receiver, then yes, you are detectable. I'm fairly sure whomever is trying to detect you must be actively doing so as the detection range is almost certainly short (under 100m I'm guessing).

    Thanks. This is reassuring. Looks like I'll be able to safely give it a go.

  5. In the Netherlands for a long time we had these speed traps that worked using radar and for slightly less long a time we had people build radar detectors into their cars to signal the driver when such a speed trap, or more precisely, a radio source at a specific frequency, was nearby. Eventually these devices got so popular and, more importantly, cheap that too many people ended up having one which ended up cutting too much into the country's bottom line (you didn't actually believe this was safety-related, right? That's the small lie used to sell you on the project) so the government did what it does best: they banned the things.

    Only problem is, how do you know a car has one? Luckily some science guy made the radar-detector-detector (yes, that's what they actually called the thing). And it worked. It was some nice, small device that was trivially installed in a (patrol) car and somehow (I don't know the physics) did its magic. They'd drive around and every so often the thing would start beeping louder and louder as they approach a car, they pull it over and sure enough, there was one. So it gets removed to the point of nearly ripping it out then and there as you're not allowed to continue driving that car until most parts of it are gone and you get a stiff fine.

    Some genius actually made a radar-detector-detector-detector (yes, still not making any of this up) but this was like a 1 meter long directional horn antenna mounted on the hood of a car. It's... rather noticable with the naked eye so that really never took off.

    So, yes, if you're listening to a radio signal, you also every so slightly influence that signal and by doing so become detectable.

    Oh, and PS: the reason they were allowed to ban these devices but still maintain that all communications over the radio waves are 'public property' as it were is that these devices didn't look for any 'communication' in the signal. There was no actual data you were being prevented from receiving. It worked on detecting any signal on that frequency/waveband/whatever the word is. That's what eventually became the clincher.

    We do still have things like radio stations telling you every 30 minutes where other listeners noticed speed traps and there's even a nifty app for it called Flitsmeister (I'm sure there's more, but that's the main one). All perfectly legal. :lol:

    I think some radar detectors these days now have VG2 (radar detector detector) detection, and when they detect VG2, they shut down. Does the SDR use the same type of frequency as is used in police radar detectors?

    Aircraft transponders squalk at a certain frequency, you can pick up these frequencies right out of the air. I don't think it is possible for the SDR to transmit anything (if it is the cheap one in the hack shop), it is purely a receiver, so there is no way for it to actually participate in any sort of two way protocol. Now one of those hack rf things, those are two way, but I doubt they would be able to transmit far enough for the aircraft to hear you. Unless the company planted some sort of hardware bug you are safe.

    Yes, it is the cheap SDR from the hak shop.

    OK, so this is good news if I cannot be detected. This means I'll be able to give some room to my curiosity, after all.

  6. Hello,

    If I use the SDR to listen in on airplane communications, can I be tracked and located? The reason I'm asking is because if I can be located, and it is easy to tell I am listening to such communications, this could be a big safety hazard for me (more than what curiosity is worth) in the part of the world I'm living in.

    Should I be worried?

    In case it makes a difference, I will interchangeably be using two antennas, the ANT500 Telescopic Antenna and the GSM 900 - 1800 MHz Antenna.


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