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Posts posted by VTSTech

  1. - Are repeated iterations of MD5/MD4 actually being used??? Repeating the algo just increases the chance of collisions.

    - If you have the SHA1, why bother with MD5? Is this actually used? In, like, REAL software??

    Served me well in a recent password cracking competition. Was a number of 5x MD5 i wouldnt have found using Hashcat.

    Also because SHA1 is a 40 character hash and not a 32 character hash it is not attempted with this script.

    See VTSTech-40hex.py for that at www.vts-tech.org/32hex-v0-2/


  2. Regardless of its purpose, looking at the code I don't think that's a proper description of what it does. What you're doing is taking a single hash and a wordlist and you encrypt the words from the wordlist to make various hashes, comparing against the single hash. If at the end of the run you find you had a match, you say you cracked the hash, what it is and what the associated password is.

    So, what I think you've created is a very slow password cracker that doesn't limit itself to a single hashing algorithm.

    Improvement suggestions:

    - Use a dictionary to map a computed hash to the hash type and password. Lets you get rid of that *MASSIVE* if.

    - Break the for-loop when a match is found.

    - Don't print your banner for each line in your wordlist file. It'll probably be VERY annoying.

    - md52x and up all get populated with one more MD5 iteration than what the name suggests.

    - Reuse the previous MD5/MD4 calculation when you're computing multiple iterations. This code does 26 MD5 calculations and should be able to do the same with just 6. Same for MD4 (from 21 to 6).

    - Going beyond the above, you should put the repeat-iterations in a loop so you can have a global set to the maximum amount of iterations rather than hard-coding 6.

    - Are repeated iterations of MD5/MD4 actually being used??? Repeating the algo just increases the chance of collisions.

    - Include SHA256.

    - Your md5sha_hash class actually gets populated with the sha1 implementation. No MD5 comes into play so this is a very misleading name for a variable. And I just don't get it. If you have the SHA1, why bother with MD5? Is this actually used? In, like, REAL software??

    - Why are you first looping through the lines of the wordlist to get a 'linet' value which you're not going to use anyways?

    - I don't get this line:

    print Cracked[0],chr(58),Cracked[2]
    . Cracked[1] always gets populated with that char 58. If you're not using it, remove it from the Cracked array. Better yet, populate Cracked with a formatted string and just print that. Makes everything much clearer.

    I havent put a lot of work into the python version yet ;)

    But thanks for the suggestions. I'm not too too concerned with speed as I'm never going to get MHash/sec using these methods. In the GUI Version I'm reading everything into arrays first.

  3. 7eefaa6bc33a0ad70058e6394bf521d1.png


    Added RAdmin v2.x
    Added Audible Recovery Notification (Ding)
    Now supports various HashType modes
    -All Hash Types
    -Only MD5 Based
    -Only MD4 Based
    -RAdmin v2x

    Only MD5 Based still checks 1 iteration of MD4 for MD5(MD4())
    Only MD4 Based still checks 1 iteration of MD5 for MD4(MD5())
    Single Hash mode disabled.

    Added NTLM
    Slightly faster (3khash/sec increase for me)
    Now displays first round of hashes even with 'Show Hashes' unchecked
    Should support moderately large Hashlist.txt/Passwords.dat
    In testing worked with 10MB hashlist and 2MB passlist
    Various code optimizations

    Darkened UI slightly
    Now displays progress
    Now displays color coded % progress
    Added Prevent UI Hang feature. Slower, But wont freeze.
    Reorganized menu items slightly
    Various code optimizations

    Faster yet again.
    'Show Hashes' and 'Check Blank Pass' now off by default
    Will periodically refresh GUI even when not showing hashes.
    Now displays hash/sec - I get ~12000 hash/sec

    Even faster hashing power.
    Turn off 'show hashes' and 'check blank pass' for fastest.
    Added ability to save output.
    Added recovery duration to output
    Display hashes now optional
    Re-sized main form/controls slightly
    Now in color.

    Much faster hashing power. About 5khash/sec
    Removed extra controls, Faster with new method.
    Re sized main form accordingly
    Added support for Blank password checking.

    Fixed Run Time Error 6' in various scenarios
    Output will not redisplay Algo: MD5' if last found was of same hash type.
    Added BitCoin address

    Added MD5(SHA1())
    EXE now compressed with UPX (3.09w)
    Decompress with upx.exe -d

    Doubled hashing speed.
    Now using 28 threads.
    Re sized main form

    Added Hashlist.txt support
    Fixed some version labels
    Re sized main form

    Added MD4 1x thru 6x
    Added MD5(MD4())
    Added MD4(MD5())
    More thorough Quit

    First Release


    Uses passwords from a wordlist in passwords.dat - feel free to substitute with your own. I've tested it with a 10MB wordlist. Shouldnt hang, if it does. its still working. (DoEvents should have fixed that..) Includes '500 worst passwords' as default list

    Homepage: http://www.vts-tech.org/32hex-v0-2/

  4. Although I prefer Linux over windows, I did enjoy programming in VB6. My appetite has since changed more to more portable languages. It's amazing seeing this language still being utilized with all the other choices out there.

    I usually do quick builds in VB6 first and then port the code over to Python. Once I get all the functionality/syntax/bugs sorted, then its much quicker rewriting

  5. 9CaOzxP.png





    Disabling 'Verbose' should actually be less verbose now

    Various code optimizations

    Specific support improved for: SMB

    Sends/Detects SMBv1 Negotiate Protocol Request/Response

    Sends/Detects SMBv1 Session Request/Response

    Currently can detect OS on SMB for

    Win2k, WinXP, Win7, Win2k3, Win2k8 and Unix based Samba 2.x-4.x systems

    (Might not detect all variants - Currently using observed variants.)


    Added LDAP, SOCKS Scan prefix

    Added 'Show Hex' option

    Added 'Custom Hex' option

    Specific support added for: SMB, Any with Custom Hex

    SMB: Sends SMBv1 Connect request


    Added HTTPS, SMB, RPC, MSSQL, RADMIN Scan prefix

    Added Ticker


    Fixed bug in Port->HexPort calculation

    Added POP3, IMAP, VNC, MYSQL Scan prefix

    Sending CRLF is now optional

    Specific support added for: POP3

    POP3: Lists supported AUTH types


    First Release

    Currently has specific support forfollowing protocols: FTP, SSH, HTTP

    FTP: Returns banner, MOTD and checks Anonymous login

    SSH: Checks banner, Does protocol handshake, Returns partial KEXINIT string

    HTTP: Preforms HTTP 1.0 GET / request

    For all other protocols will send CRLF on connect and hope something comes back.

    Protocol currently determined by dest port, protocol detection is planned for future builds


    Download http://www.mediafire.com/download/k3cs66xxdrda9pm/VTSTech-TorScan-032.rar

  6. 2085b5c9ee6fbaeeba14dee365dc01cb.png

    import sys, os, hashlib, binascii, time
    from passlib.apps import custom_app_context as pwd_context
    from passlib.context import CryptContext
    if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
    	import msvcrt
    pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["hex_md5", "hex_md4", "hex_sha1", "nthash" ])
    def banner():
    	print "#########################################"
    	print "# VTSTech-32hex v0.36 Python Version    #"
    	print "# Facebook: facebook.com/VTSTech        #"
    	print "# Twitter: @VTSTech_                    #"
    	print "# Web: www.VTS-Tech.org                 #"
    	print "# E-mail: veritas@vts-tech.org          #"
    	print "# XMPP: veritas@creep.im                #"
    	print "# BTC 1VTSgzD24bjkSGdD7kvauxkxHZ4yiwhdU #"
    	print "#########################################"
    StartTime = time.time()
    ETime = 0
    silent = 1
    Cracked = ""
    lines = 0
    linet = 0
    CrkCnt = 0
    cnt = ""
    TotalTime = ""
    LastAlgo = ""
    numpass = open('passwords.dat')
    num_pass = sum(1 for line in numpass)
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    	print ""
    	print "Usage: VTStech-32hex.py -l hashlist.txt - List mode using hashlist.txt"
    	print ""
    	print "Options"
    	print ""
    	print "-l hashlist.txt, load target hashes from hashlist.txt"
    	print "-s speed per sec updates (60s interval)"
    	print ""
    	print "Press any key to display speed/sec"	
    	print ""
    	print "Supports the following encryption methods:"
    	print ""	
    	print "MD5 md5()"	
    	print "MD4 md4()"	
    	print "NTLM"
    	print "RAdmin v2.x"
    	print "MD5-SHA1 md5(sha1())"
    	print "MD5-UP-MD5 md5(strtoupper(md5()))"	
    	print "Double MD5 md5(md5())"	
    	print "Triple MD5 md5(md5(md5()))"		
    	print "Quadruple MD5 md5(md5(md5(md5())))"
    	print "Quintuple MD5 md5(md5(md5(md5(md5()))))"
    	print "Hextuple MD5 md5(md5(md5(md5(md5(md5())))))"
    	print "Double MD4 md4(md4())"	
    	print "Triple MD4 md4(md4(md4()))"		
    	print "Quadruple MD4 md4(md4(md4(md4())))"
    	print "Quintuple MD4 md4(md4(md4(md4(md4()))))"
    	print "Hextuple MD4 md4(md4(md4(md4(md4(md4())))))"	
    	print "Press any key to display speed/sec"
    	if len(sys.argv[1]) == 2:
    		if sys.argv[1] == "-l":
    			target = sys.argv[2]
    			hashes = open(sys.argv[2])				 
    		elif sys.argv[2] == "-l":
    			target = sys.argv[3]
    			hashes = open(sys.argv[3])
    		elif sys.argv[3] == "-l":
    			target = sys.argv[4]
    			hashes = open(sys.argv[4])
    		if sys.argv[1] == "-s":
    			silent = 0
    		elif sys.argv[2] == "-s":
    			silent = 0
    md5 = CryptContext(schemes=["hex_md5"],)
    md5sha_hash = CryptContext(schemes=["hex_sha1"],)
    md4 = CryptContext(schemes=["hex_md4"],)
    nt_hash = CryptContext(schemes=["nthash"],)
    numhash = open(target)
    num_hash = sum(1 for line in numhash)
    print ""
    print num_pass,"passwords,", num_hash,"hashes loaded."
    print ""
    TotalPass = (num_pass * num_hash) * 16
    hashes = open(target)
    for lineh in hashes:
    	passwd = open("passwords.dat")	
    	CurrHash = lineh
    	CurrTime = time.time()
    	TotalTime = CurrTime - StartTime
    	if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
    			while msvcrt.kbhit():
    				progress = str(cnt),chr(47),str(TotalPass)
    				pcnt = "(",str(round(float(float(cnt) / float(TotalPass))*100,2)),"%)"
    				duration = str(round(TotalTime,2)),"s"
    				print "Elapsed:",''.join(duration),"Progess:",''.join(progress),''.join(pcnt),"Speed:", round((cnt / TotalTime),2),"Hash/s"
    	if ((CurrTime - ETime)  > 60) or ((CurrTime - ETime) == CurrTime):
    		if (TotalTime > 1):
    			if silent == 0:
    				progress = str(cnt),chr(47),str(TotalPass)
    				pcnt = "(",str(round(float(float(cnt) / float(TotalPass))*100,2)),"%)"
    				duration = str(round(TotalTime,2)),"s"
    				print "Elapsed:",''.join(duration),"Progess:",''.join(progress),''.join(pcnt),"Speed:", round((cnt / TotalTime),2),"Hash/s"
    		ETime = CurrTime
    	for linep in passwd:
    		lines += 1
    		CurrPass = linep
    		CurrHash = CurrHash.strip(chr(13))
    		CurrHash = CurrHash.strip(chr(10))
    		CurrHash = CurrHash.strip(chr(34))
    		CurrPass = CurrPass.strip(chr(13))
    		CurrPass = CurrPass.strip(chr(10))
    		CurrPass = CurrPass.strip(chr(34))
    		md51x = md5.encrypt(CurrPass)
    		md52x = md5.encrypt(md51x)
    		md53x = md5.encrypt(md52x)
    		md54x = md5.encrypt(md53x)
    		md55x = md5.encrypt(md54x)
    		md56x = md5.encrypt(md55x)
    		md5sha1 = md5.encrypt(md5sha_hash.encrypt(CurrPass))
    		md41x = md4.encrypt(CurrPass)
    		md42x = md4.encrypt(md41x)
    		md43x = md4.encrypt(md42x)
    		md44x = md4.encrypt(md43x)
    		md45x = md4.encrypt(md44x)
    		md46x = md4.encrypt(md45x)
    		CurrPass2 = str(CurrPass + str((chr(0) * 100)))
    		radmin = md5.encrypt(CurrPass2[0:100])
    		md5umd5 = md5.encrypt(md51x.upper())
    		cnt = (lines * 16)
    		CurrTime = time.time()
    		except UnicodeDecodeError:
    			ntlm = md4.encrypt(" ".encode('utf-16le'))	
    			ntlm = md4.encrypt(CurrPass.encode('utf-16le'))			
    		TotalTime = CurrTime - StartTime
    		if md51x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "MD5"
    			Cracked = md51x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md52x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Double MD5"
    			Cracked = md52x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)				
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md53x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Triple MD5"
    			Cracked = md53x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md54x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Quadruple MD5"
    			Cracked = md54x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md55x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Quintuple MD5"
    			Cracked = md55x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md56x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Hextuple MD5"
    			Cracked = md56x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md5sha1 == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "MD5(SHA1())"
    			Cracked = md5sha1,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md41x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "MD4"
    			Cracked = md41x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md42x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Double MD4"
    			Cracked = md42x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md43x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Triple MD4"
    			Cracked = md43x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md44x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Quadruple MD4" 
    			Cracked = md44x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md45x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Quintuple MD4"
    			Cracked = md45x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md46x == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "Hextuple MD4"
    			Cracked = md46x,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)	
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif ntlm == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "NTLM"
    			Cracked = ntlm,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				LastAlgo == Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1				
    		elif radmin == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "radmin"
    			Cracked = radmin,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    		elif md5umd5 == CurrHash:
    			Algo = "MD5-UP-MD5"
    			Cracked = md5umd5,":",CurrPass
    			if LastAlgo == Algo:
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				print "Encryption Method:",Algo
    				print ''.join(Cracked)
    				LastAlgo = Algo
    				CrkCnt = CrkCnt + 1		
    print ""
    print ""
    DidWeWin = "Recovered: ",str(CrkCnt),"/",str(num_hash)," (",str(round(float(CrkCnt) / float(num_hash)*100,2)),"%)"
    progress = str(cnt),chr(47),str(TotalPass)
    pcnt = "(",str(round(float(float(cnt) / float(TotalPass))*100,2)),"%)"
    duration = str(round(TotalTime,2)),"s"
    print ''.join(DidWeWin)
    print ""
    print "Elapsed time:",''.join(duration),"Progess:",''.join(progress),''.join(pcnt),"Speed:", round((cnt / TotalTime),2),"Hash/s"
    print "Recovery complete."

    Uses PassLib https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/passlib/passlib-1.6.2.tar.gz

    Download VTSTech-32hex.py-036.rar

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