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Posts posted by just.me.warner

  1. Hi guys,

    I plan to install a new in-house PBX, but I'm not secure in my knowledge, so I need some confirmation. I've done some research and I feel an IP PBX would be my primary choice.

    I run a small trade company that needs 12 telephones (including hardphones and mobile devices as well). We use them for both of internal and external communication.

    In addtition to the basic PBX features (as well as call routing, conference calling, voicemail, call queuing, etc.) I have some special requirements related to the new phone system:

    • I have only one office, but my employees (especially the sales representatives) are often out-of the office. That's why mobile phones are essentially needed for us. So I'd like to attach mobile devices to our PBX as well.
    • Concerning that my target audience consists of mainly young people (they are mostly 26-35 years old), I'd like to facilitate them to contact us by using any innovative, free, Internet-based communication method. So a chat console and/or a click-to-call webphone would be also appreciated.
    After checking the possible solutions at Alternativeto.net, I've tried some trial versions and finally it seems that Ozeki Phone systems suits best for my needs.

    Can anybody tell me if this is a good option for my requirements? Is there any other option I should look at? Because I'm always searching for the best, I tend to be a little (that is very) insecure, so I'd like to hear other people's opinion about the issue. A little review of it will be a great help for me! (Is it stable, trustworthy, etc...?)

    I’m looking forward to your opinion here or even in e-mail (just.me.warner@gmail.com)! Thanks a lot in advance!



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