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Posts posted by Hamclock

  1. It also wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the guy is stealing personal information like credit card info, passwords, etc..

    It wouldn't be? I disagree. Just because the Pineapple is capable of bad things doesn't mean that's all it does. I saw a question on the Information Security SE site a while back where the OP suspected someone was hiding a Pineapple, and wanted to know how to find it so they could have the person arrested.

    I whip out my Pineapple in public all the time. I've got a battery it can run off of, and I'll sometimes turn it on when I'm on a city bus or in a restaurant. I connect it to a public WiFi access point, and it broadcasts a WPA2 network I can connect my devices to that adds some protections and conveniences I like to have. It routes all my traffic through a secure VPN, adds some custom DNS entries and blocks, and facilitates direct connections between my own devices (many public networks don't allow this between 2 devices on their network in my experience). Setting that all up within iOS or Android is a pain, but the Pineapple can do it with ease.

    Sure, I could click a couple buttons in the web UI and start intercepting text messages and stuff (did you know some carriers send SMS messages over WiFi when they can? Without even trying to use SSL? I know!), but that doesn't mean I actually do. It's for this reason that I wouldn't make the same assumption about someone else.

    To answer your question directly: What would I do? I'd probably walk over to them and say "hi." They're probably an interesting person to talk to, and I'm always interested to network with other hackers in my area.

  2. Someone asked this question earlier (not on this forum), but their question hasn't gotten any attention.

    Is there a way to get the Pineapple to act as a client when connected to a router via Ethernet? Currently, it tries to act as its own router, and refuses to lease an IP -- static or via DHCP -- over a wired connection.

    I tried asking a similar question a while back about doing this via wlan0 and was met with bewilderment as to why I'd ever want to do such a crazy (and apparently impossibly complicated) thing. I'm hoping the "get internet acces via Ethernet" use case is a little easier to see.

  3. I am pretty sure wlan0 is locked to karma only. If you want to connect client mode to multiple access points, the easiest solution would be to add a USB adapter and configure that with the wlan1 built in. Keep in mind there are known (hardware) issues with the throughput of the internal wlan1.

    I'm aware of the hardware issues. When you say wlan0 is locked to Karma, do you just mean through the web UI? Surely a device like the Pineapple couldn't be -- dare I say -- locked down? A wireless interface is a wireless interface.

    I've got no problem editing config files by hand, but my initial attempts at using wlan1's settings on wlan0 in /etc/config/wireless weren't met with much success.

  4. Ryan-Reynolds-But-Why.gif

    I've got a wireless-only network that'll be in the range, and another wireless-only network (the that's totally isolated. I also have a non-wireless-capable (Ethernet only) device that needs access to both networks. I'd like the Pineapple to serve as a bridge between the three; this struck me as something that should be fairly simple.

  5. It will cause such a routing headache you realize this? Why would you like this setup?

    In my case, one network is in the subnet, and the other is in There will be no collisions. I'm well aware of how routing tables work, and I'd have no problems working with them if such an issue did come up.

    Anecdotally, my home network mask is, so even if I were connecting to that and a more common, there wouldn't be issues.

  6. I'd like to have my Mark V connect to 2 different wireless access points. In the web interface, it seems like you're forced into using wlan0 in AP mode, and only wlan1 can be used in Client Mode. I tried the following in /etc/config/wireless, but it didn't work:

    config wifi-device 'radio0'
    	option type 'mac80211'
    	option hwmode '11g'
    	option macaddr '00:13:37:a5:24:d1'
    	option channel '1'
    config wifi-iface
    	option device 'radio0'
    	option mode 'sta'
    	option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
    	option network 'wan'
    	option ssid 'Network1'
    	option key 'Password1'
    config wifi-device 'radio1'
    	option type 'mac80211'
    	option hwmode '11g'
    	option macaddr '00:13:37:93:5a:59'
    	option channel '1'
    config wifi-iface
    	option device 'radio1'
    	option mode 'sta'
    	option network 'wan'
    	option ssid 'Network2'
    	option key 'Password2'
    	option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'

    I'd prefer to set this up through the web UI if possible, but if not, what do I need to change to get the config file to work properly?

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