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Posts posted by bluemachine

  1. what does rtl_test show, and you can try tuning with the rtl_fm software.

    rtl_fm -f 96.3e6 -W -s 200000 -r 48000 - | aplay -r 48k -f S16_LE

    also i would run the adsb rtl command as well and see if your truly getting adsb signels from your dongle.


  2. I would say you might want to try one of the live Linux distros to rule out you windows configuration. Then you can run the rtl_test to make sure your not getting any loss and you can try the gqrx which is basically the same as sdr# but its based on gnuradio.

    I'm running the dongle from the hak shop though based on the same hardware I dont know if it comes with the same antenna so it could be something with the antenna or bad hardware if it has never worked. but I would try a live distro first to rule that all out before buying new hardware.

  3. What is your gain setting under configure?

    Do you get anything under narrow band? I to get the constant signal in the center when using sdr# but everything else works fine.. also is the blue light on; on the dongle not sure if the NooElec has that.

    Has it ever worked?

  4. You could make program launchers that run the commands in the background. you can launch the program from wine if it errors for the packages then you will need to install the i386 packages. You will just have to run it and see if it errors.

    You will need to try it and find out in regards to sudo, since i run it as root i don't need to, i would suspect your admin account would have enough privileges but you just need to play with it. Unfortunately you as with most things in linux you need to get familiar with command line. though gqrx is awesome you don't push you self using only Gui tools so if you want to expand your knowledge you need to get out of your comfort zone.

    Its some basic setup. For ADSB Scope the settings are the same as if you are running it on windows and you can watch the hak5 episode when Shennon uses it in windows and follow how she sets it up just change the port to 7777.

    "rtl_adsb | netcat -lp 7777"is running rtl_adsb. Not to confuse you more but its basically taking the output from rtl_adsb and piping that into netcat to a particular port in this case 7777.

    When you separate commands with | or the pipe symbol its taking the output from one command and piping it to the other command. Its one of the things that makes linux great and very powerful.

  5. You run the below line in a terminal to start streaming the data to port 7777 on your local machine.
    rtl_adsb | netcat -lp 7777

    Once you download ADSB Scope:


    You will need to unzip the file:

    unzip adsb_fix.zip

    Im running as root, so if you are doing the same you can go to the path:

    cd /root/adsb_all/pc_software/adsbscope/26/

    From that you can run the "adsbscope26f3_256.exe" via wine but you might need to install the i386 packages with the 3 commands i posted earlier wine will error and tell you if you need to. To run it in wine once your in the directory you simpley run:

    wine adsbscope26f3_256.exe

    Once that is going you can either follow the tutorial Shannon walks through in the video or:

    From the "Other" drop down you go to "network then network setup"

    for the presets at the bottom choose adsbscope and change the "RAW-data-server" to 7777. the "Raw-data-client" should also have 777 and URL

    Then go other menu>Network>and click on Raw-data-client active

    after that you should start to see data on ADSB Scope

  6. yes you can use those to stream the raw ADS single to a particular port, and I provided the command to do it via netcat in the previous post.

    but the bottom line is you need a way to plot the adsb singles on a map ie ADSPScope that's all that program does is plot the data from rtl_adsb to a map.

    all netcat and socat is going to do is stream the data from your receiver on the ADSB frequencies to a port so in theory you could point ABSBScope on a windows machine to your Linux machine and it would be able to decode the data that was as well.

  7. what I put is hardly "Linux guru" what im saying is that from what I found online I have yet to see a Linux equivalent to ADSBScope and other programs, nor have I found one pre installed on Kali.

    How ever the above way works with next to no effort the only think you need to download is ADSB Scope and possibly a few packages, it just seems your trying to be difficult,

  8. I would guess you can do you want want in GNURadio or python but the real trick is to plot the data from the rtl_adsb signal to a map of sorts. From my search online it cant fine a linux client so if you just want it to work out of the box your going to need to write something yourself. Otherwise use a windows client in wine. The way i put above is how i do it and it takes about 10 minutes to setup.

    I reason i had to run the i386 win build is because im using the 64bit kali install, im guessing it does not have the i386 wine build installed by default.


  9. TN.Frank

    You need to run the following to install the correct packages for wine.

    dpkg --add-architecture i386
    apt-get update
    apt-get install wine-bin:i386

    Download the following this is what im using its ADSB Scope for windows

    You need to then stream the data with netcat, and the rtl package in Kali has a adsb scanner:
    Run the following in another terminal window:

    rtl_adsb | netcat -lp 7777

    To run ADSPScope in kali you run:

    cd ~/adsb_all/pc_software/adsbscope/26

    wine adsbscope26f3_256.exe

    Just like Shannon Did in the windows version use go into network settings in the ADSB Scope and set your raw-data-server port number to 7777

    then to to the other drop down in ADSBScope and click Raw-Data-Client active just as Shannon did on the windows version.

    After that ADSBScop should start to see the adsb transmissions.


    This is my "/etc/apt/sources.list" you might need to make sure yours match mine to get to install the wine packages.

    root@sdr:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list

    # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 _Kali_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20140108-17:05]/ kali contrib main non-free

    #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 _Kali_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20140108-17:05]/ kali contrib main non-free

    ## Security updates
    deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free

    deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib

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