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Posts posted by svetoslav

  1. Hi there! First of all - great payload!

    I've been poking with the Ducky for almost a week. Tinkering with, one finds himself constantly reinserting it. I'm not quite sure if this ca lead to drive corruption, but I would hate it to get a chance to use the ducky and find its storage corrupt from not safely removing the drive. I'm not quite sure if you will find this helpful, considering the slight overhead it execution time, but here it goes.

    I use RemoveDrive to eject the usb storage drive, at the end of the payload. I've considered devcon, with its many applications (removing all entries on a PID), but found it unsuitable as it requires reboot.

    This is what I use.

    REM ######
    REM Determine the OS architecture and set %arch% variable.
    REM ######
    DELAY 400
    STRING if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" EQU "AMD64" (set arch=64) else (set arch=32)
    STRING set arch=%arch%
    REM ######
    REM Start RemoveDrive with \ and -L options to eject the USB storage
    REM RemoveDrive download URL http://www.uwe-sieber.de/drivetools_e.html
    REM Place RemoveDrive versions as follows:
    REM 32 bit in \removedrive\32
    REM 64 bit in \removedrive\64
    REM ######
    DELAY 400
    STRING %DUCKYdrive%\removedrive\%arch%\RemoveDrive.exe \ -L

    Do you find this a necessary/useful precaution?

  2. I've been poking around 49,800,000 with NFM on. I came by a baby monitor. That's with the stock antenna, so it must be somewhere close by. By the looks of it, RTL SDRs might pick them up on 49 MHz, 902 MHz. It gave me the creeps, to be honest. Just thought it might be of interest to you.

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