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Posts posted by ceopirate

  1. Hey guys,

    I have been really busy lately and for about the last year or so have not had the time to really play with my MK5 very much. Yesterday I got a crazy hair and booted it up. The firmware was so old i had to re-flash which was easy enough. Right now I am on 2.4.0. I enabled wps on a old dummy router I had and wanted to check out the WPS infusion. It ran for about 4 hours which for reaver sounds about right. When i check the logs it is completely empty. The log file was created and in the tile i can see which log file it was but there is no text in it and it is 0kb. Are these infusions not supported anymore or does anyone have an idea as to why this would hoped WAS infusion is version 2.1. I remember with air-crack there was a -VV option for a very verbose output but could not find it in the infusion.

  2. Ok so i just got my first rubber ducky in the mail today. I install the newest version out today of the duckencoder when i run the dependency install it will not install burpsuit or SE toolkit. It will say they are installed but they always show up as not installed no matter how many times i run it. I tried to use the encoder but it will not use the encode.jar file and I believe its because of those two dependencies

    [+] APT Update complete...
    [*] Please wait while I install some dependencies...
    [+] pure-ftpd is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] file-roller is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] dfu-programmer is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] apache2 is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] gnome-terminal is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [-] It doesn't appear that burpsuite is installed on your system. Installing it now...
    apt-get: /usr/local/lib/liblzma.so.5: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.4.12)
    E: Unable to locate package burpsuite
    [!] It doesn't appear that I will be able to install burpsuite right now.
    [+] git is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] wget is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] netcat is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] p7zip-full is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [+] nautilus is already installed on your system, moving on...
    [*] Checking to see if Metasploit is installed...
    [+] Good news, Metasploit installed without any issues.
    [+] Checking to see if the Social Engineering Toolkit is installed...
    [-] It doesn't appear that the SE-Toolkit is installed on your system. Installing it now...
    Cloning into '/tmp/simple-ducky/set'...
    remote: Reusing existing pack: 45750, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 321, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (321/321), done.
    remote: Total 46071 (delta 180), reused 0 (delta 0)
    Receiving objects: 100% (46071/46071), 97.82 MiB | 625.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (29635/29635), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.
    apt-get: /usr/local/lib/liblzma.so.5: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.4.12)
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    build-essential is already the newest version.
    git is already the newest version.
    python-crypto is already the newest version.
    python-openssl is already the newest version.
    python-pefile is already the newest version.
    python-pexpect is already the newest version.
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
    [!] SET is already installed in /usr/share/setoolkit, remove and start again.
    [+] Good news, the SE-Toolkit installed without any issues.
    Trying a different approach to install Burpsuite...
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/share/burpsuite/’: File exists
    --2014-07-14 18:36:46--  http://portswigger.net/burp/burpsuite_free_v1.5.jar
    Resolving portswigger.net (portswigger.net)...
    Connecting to portswigger.net (portswigger.net)||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 6901614 (6.6M) [application/java-archive]
    Saving to: ‘/usr/share/burpsuite/burpsuite.jar’
    100%[=========================================================================>] 6,901,614    694KB/s   in 15s    
    2014-07-14 18:37:02 (452 KB/s) - ‘/usr/share/burpsuite/burpsuite.jar’ saved [6901614/6901614]
    ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/bin/burpsuite.jar’: File exists
    [+] Good news, Burpsuite installed without any issues.
    [+] Checking your JDK version, I will update it if needed...
    [+] It looks like your JDK is up to date, moving on...
    [+] The installation process is complete! Returning to the main menu...


  3. I am wanting to learn more about video game propraming and for my first project I want to run Open-Sonic on a Virtual Server and make it so people can connect to it via a .jar that they can run it off of their pc. I know its going to be tough to code but you have to learn somehow and was wondering if anyone has a starting place ive been looking and coming up empty

  4. try this set the router IP address to and the subnet mask to and primary dns to and the pineapple should be on so make sure no other device on your network conflicts with the pineapple's IP.

    I still cannot get the pineapple to show an IP from the modem

    The open wrt could be a option but not sure if the hardware can run it

  5. I am not sure that is a good idea at all, do pineapples even have a firewall? I do know that it happens to be a pivot box, so on a security standpoint, using the pineapple would not be a good thing. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Also in theory if i run it off my desktop everything should be stoped by its anti-virus at least i think it should

  6. my wifi router went down last night in a storm and I need to get it back up... My question is there any way i can hook my pineapple up to my home modem for internet connection and use it as a router I know by the sheer nature of the cards I should be able to but just need a push in the right direction. I was wanting to hook the modem directly into a windows 8.1 tower that i use as my media server then get internet to the pineapple but i only have one ethernet card on the tower but multiple NICS. Also is there anyway to hook the pineapple directly to my home modem i could not get it to pull anything from the modem

  7. I know this is not much help at all but my main pc is windows so thats where i do most of my gaming on it but i do have counterstrike i play on my laptop and i have yet to meet anyone who didnt like to source it up or whatever new counterstrike they are on now:)

  8. When your the network small tile and you hit show ip does it say and have you tried using client mode under the network large tile to connect to your ap?

    also if you have an extra wireless nic try to connect to your pineapple via wireless adapter in my experience you have less problems connecting to the internet and pineapple.

  9. ok i have firmware 1.1.0 and I would like to upgrade to the new firmware but i have nodogsplash set up on the internal with all the dependencies and a special screen I set up that i really do not care to go back through and set back up can i transfer everything in the /etc/nodogspash/ including html file and the firewall rules easily to the sd card?

  10. Im working on a little project to retrieve videos from certain sites. Im trying to findout how to save a video file that i and if i am parsing the html correctly I am new to this side of python..

    import urllib
    import re
    url = "https://www.videourl"
    htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
    htmltext = htmlfile.read()
    regex = '<meta property="og:video" content="http://www.urlinpagesource;version=3">'
    video = re.compile(regex)
  11. Hello,

    As many of you might know there is a .log file in squid where you can see what domains have been accessed (web proxy log analysis reports).

    I have been trying to think of a way to be initiate an MITM attack where i am connected to a network get the karma connection redirect

    the victim to the actual internet and log where they visit and maybe specify which device i want to log. Getting the victim MAC is easy with

    karma but I was wondering if there is a way for me to create a log with info so i can track the devices on my network with the MKV.

    I am new so big thanks in advance for any help on this one

  12. I am using 1.0.4. Unfortunately i don't, but I do have a Kali Linux iso that I can use in Virtual Box

    Set your network adapter in the virtual machine to share your network card settings. When i run Vmware workstation i do not see my wireless adapters but they show up as eth0 and eth1 when i have no Ethernet attached. I checked the MACs and they were really wlan0 and wlan1 this might help some

  13. After playing with it for a while I found out that you do not have to backspace or delete the characters in the box just replace the given SSID with the SSID of your choice by just typing it into the box.

  14. im new to network security and have been reading a lot of code and was wondering about making a flood router/ flood advertisements or incorporate some of the THC-IPV6 toolkit into a infusion for a little more versatility

  15. I am trying to change the SSID in the KARMA large tile. when i put the cursor in the box it will not let chage or edit the SSID is there a way to change with with out SSH into the pineapple to edit the config files?

  16. This sounds a little noobish but I am a noob to the pineapple so that's ok :).. I ordered a anker battery pack to go with my pineapple and also a cord both off amazon. the cord seems to be to long? its the right size barrels and placing the actual power that came with it next to the one I ordered there is a little length difference. Can someone who ordered on that works put a link up to one that will work im really trying to get this thing portable for more fun

  17. When I run the wp5.sh this is what I get. Any help Im trying to get this set up right for some reason it goes a lot easier when they do tutorials on it. My wlan0 is connected to the internet but the eth0 is the connection that shows up in the status bar in the top right. and i can connect to the pinnaple GUI fine but no ip address and also do no know what the SIOCDELRT and SIOCADDRT is about


    EDIT: I ran the tool earlier in the day and recieved the Url to go to but when i visited it i could not get an ip address then had to leave and when i cam back i tried again and got these results

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