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Posts posted by ChrisKnight

  1. In my particular config, I was in the middle of nowhere, so using eth0 wasn't an option. I had a directional antenna pointed at a remote AP, and an omni providing local coverage. They were on different channels, and the directional antenna was getting a 70/70 on signal strength.

    After several days of having the network randomly crashing, I pulled a couple of Ubiquiti Networks Bullets out of my toolkit and those worked like a charm on the same antennas.

  2. Mind you, we didn't create the WiFi Pineapple to be a repeater. It wasn't designed with that in mind.

    This is what I call splitting hairs. From the page at: https://wifipineapple.com

    From a man-in-the-middle hot-spot honeypot to an out-of-band pentest pivot box, the WiFi Pineapple is unmatched in performance, value and versatility.

    I was using in a MITM configuration (Client mode to a remote AP on wlan1, local AP running on wlan0) but just wasn't running any attack/logging tools. It was a " man-in-the-middle hot-spot honeypot" with the safety on. The website does say it was designed for this, and even more aggressive, usage.

  3. I tried downgrading to factory-1.2.0.bin on the playa, but the un-brick procedure wasn't working. I powered off, set the fifth dip to down, powered on, and at no time over the next two hours was a web page available at (Yes, I had set my mac's ethernet to be

    Going to try again, now that I'm in the default world. I have to say, my experience trying to set up the MKV as a simple wifi NAT/relay was very disappointing. Good thing I didn't order ten of these for work like my manager had originally suggested.

  4. Do you know if this problem is limited to the 2.x version? I downloaded the 1.2.0-factory.bin file and upgrade-1.4.1.bin last night. I'll climb our comm tower to flit the factory reset switch if it will solve things, but if 1.4.1 has the same issue I might as well pack a more stable solution before making a six hour trek into the desert.

  5. Yup, watched your video. Well done, and great for newbs, but somewhat drawn out for more advanced users. :)

    During initial setup, I have no problem connecting to the remote AP in client mode. I'm able to pass packets for a while, DNS resolution works, and all is well. At some point in the next 10 to 60 minutes, my laptop stops being able to connect to the internet. I check, and I still have a wifi connection to the Pineapple. I log into the pineapple, and in the client mode tab I am connected to the remote AP but don't have an IP address.

    I've had 50% success rate auto-reconnecting by going to the advanced tab and randomizing my MAC address.

    I've had 100% success auto-reconnecting with a power cycle, but then the problem just returns in 10 to 60 minutes.

    So, are you saying I frak'd myself by upgrading to 2.0.3 just before packing it up and taking it to the playa? Are the older versions downloadable anywhere?

  6. I'm having serious stability issues setting up a Mark V as a wifi relay (client mode + AP mode). I'll make someone the best bloody mary* or margarita** they've ever had for help getting the kinks ironed out.

    I set up the rig Wednesday, but it keeps crashing. I'm running version 2.0.3. It's a super simple setup, so I'm kinda perplexed. I'll be back on the playa on Saturday, and will be there through Friday.


    The Outback - 4:20 & Walk-In

    * Bloody Mary's made with Whore's Radish Vodka, and Gar Lick Vodka

    ** Margarita made with home made organic key lime sweet and sour.

  7. Wow. out of the box problems seem to be more common than I would have expected. Maybe the folks at Hak5 could do the firmware update step themselves, before shipping, just to make sure everything is working?

    I just received my Pineapple Mark V today. Popped in the SD card, plugged it in to power, and went to dinner. 45 minutes later, and I have a solid green, blue and red light. I'm minorly concerned about what to do next.

    Solid Green = Powered. OK

    Solid Red = md5sum mistmatch - bugger, but I can rebuild the SD card and try again, right?

    Solid Blue = Flash in progress. DO NOT UNPLUG. - WTF now?

    Do I ignore the ALL CAPS warning on the firmware notes?

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