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Posts posted by OpenFerret

  1. Hi all,

    Taking advantage of all these cheap E5 2670 CPU's floating around (someone said that market has been flooded because of facebook decommissioning a data centre worth of boxes in order to  upgrade?)

    Building a dual CPU box with a couple of these chips for about £800 (32 cores @ 2.4 GHz FTW!!!) and 32GB of RAM with room for a memory upgrade.

    Desired end state is to have a VM server for setting up labs.  Can anyone recommend a free / cheap hypervisor with some form of management interface that would allow me to control vm creation, modification, snapshots, etc?

    Many thanks all!

  2. Many thanks digininja,

    I haven't seen Security Onion, but I will check it out!

    I was thinking of either using a 3rd ethernet connection or wireless card to be able to access the device. I'll let you know how it goes when it's been build :-)

  3. Hi all,

    I'm thinking about upgrading my home network with an inline IDS and or Firewall between my modem and router. My home network curently resembles this:


    If I build a box with a couple of Gigabit network cards and add it into the network at the place shown, and install something like pfsense onto it, can I get the box to just function in a bridge mode between the modem and router?

    Many thanks all!

  4. Hi all,

    I'm having some issues trying to get an internet connection to my Pineapple V. I've got Kali 1.1.0 installed on my Dell XPS 13 (9333), and I use a USB to Ethernet adapter to be able to link the ultrabook to the Pineapple. So, I've got my eth0 interface working and I've got my wlan0 interface connecting to my router for an internet connection, but I can't get wlan0 to share to eth0 to update my Pineapple.

    Has anyone managed to sort this issue? I've tried using the MkV .sh script and it doesn't seem to work...

    Many thanks all!

  5. After a bit of research I discovered that the GTX9xx series requires its own specific CUDA libs. So what I've done is installed unbuntu 14.04 on my workstation and installed the CUDA .run file from here. Then compiled pyrit and cpyrit from source.

    I'm going to use Kali on my ultrabook for actual grabbing of the 4-way handshake and then transfer it to my workstation for cracking. Just building a wordlist now that is 1750GB in size :-D

  6. Hi all,

    I'm having some issues trying to get nvidia drivers installed in Kali Linux 1.0.9. The kernel has just been updated today to 3.18 and I've tried following guides here:


    and here:


    But everytime I reboot Kali, it wont run the gnome display manager and I can't start the desktop?

    I'm using a 4770K CPU and a GTX980 GPU. Has anyone managed to get this working?

    Many thanks!

  7. Hi all,

    Hope you are all doing well in the new year. I'm trying to track down a version of the Backtrack 2 (32-Bit) .iso, the one still based on Slackware 11 and running the modified 2.6.20 kernel. Or even a VM of it if there is one availiable!

    I know that it is a strange request, seeing as it is very outdated, but I'm trying to recreate a test environment that I was attacking as part of a course. I know that the target machine was running Backtrack 2 and I want to see what exploits will work against the modified kernel and have proof of concept to show that privelidge escalation can be done locally through many methods.

    Does anyone have it laying aroud any where?

    Many thanks!!!

  8. Please note this post is also on the Kali forums, I just poted here as I usually get a better responce.

    Hi all,

    I want to install Kali to my Dell XPS 13 (9333) ultrabook, in preparation for starting the OSCP course. I can run it from a USB into live mode absolutely fine, but I've noticed there is no installer on the desktop now. When I boot into the install mode or graphical install, it just won't connect to wifi at all. It can see the access point SSID, asks for the passphrase and just won't connect... But I can use wifi on the live desktop?

    Has anyone resolved this before or can point me in the right direction?

    Many thanks!

  9. Hi all,

    I'm trying to get my ubertooth one to work in ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I followed the guide over at the github page which gives the following to compile/install kismet from source:

    sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8-dev libcap-dev pkg-config build-essential libnl-dev libncurses-dev libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libcap-dev
    wget https://kismetwireless.net/code/kismet-2013-03-R1b.tar.xz
    tar xf kismet-2013-03-R1b.tar.xz
    cd kismet-2013-03-R1b
    ln -s ../ubertooth-2014-02-R2/host/kismet/plugin-ubertooth .
    make && make plugins
    sudo make suidinstall
    sudo make plugins-install
    Add "pcapbtbb" to the "logtypes=..." line in kismet.conf

    I then started kismet, set the ubertooth as the source and then go to set the plugin, but the ubertooth plugin is not there:


  10. Right... Got it working in aircrack.

    Had to install the most up to date version from the developer website and not use the version from the repo's and needed to sellect the channel when starting the mon0 interface using airmon-ng against wlan1.

    Though I seem to remember that you never used to have to do this and the mon0 interface would just try all channels?

    Next step if wifite.

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