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  1. Thank you for the suggestion. SyncToy is not a bad product. I use it at home to synchronize across my network. It appears however that SyncToy requires both directories to be accessible simultaneously (unless I am missing something). Is there a way I can use SyncToy in some clever way to achieve what I want? If no off-the-shelf application exists that can do what I want, maybe somebody can suggest a scripts that can do that.
  2. These are personal media files. The institution does not care about them. It is just that if there is too much torrent traffic from my computer, network managers may think that I am hosting content. This is a university and our students do such things often, I imagine. This comment was specifically related to the torrent solution. Anyways, I can get to my files through VPN and a network share. The problem is, it is too much data to transfer through the network. Speculative comments about why I want to do this are, of course, welcome. However, I asked a technical question and it will be great if I get a technical answer. For example, Sodium Sync offers such a possibility, but it is a commercial product that is aimed at servers. Thanks!
  3. Thank you for the suggestion. However, I need to transfer more than 200 GB of files, and this is more that my monthly limit on my INP. Besides, my files are in my office computer, behind some quite restricted firewalls and likely monitored traffic. I would like to have a solution that works as I described. That being said, I think that BitTorretn Sync is a very cool product. I may use it for other things
  4. I am looking for a free solution to help me sync directories across "air gaps". Something that will work as follows: I take a directory in one computer, a file structure image is created (just-metadata level), then the image is taken to another computer, the directory image is compared to a directory there, and the new files are copied to an external HD, which then is taken to the first computer and copied to the original directory. I need such a solution not because of security concerns but because I am dealing with large directory sizes (> 200 GB) so a network solution is out of the question. Also, copying the entire directory to the external HD every time is not practical, it is larger than the external HD (while the difference fits).
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