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Posts posted by whiteknightds

  1. Couple of turtles on order.

    Cannot wait till they get here to have a play.

    Just so I know where Im going after initial setup... If I deploy the turtle in the powered by plug but with ether net access fashion... I can then ssh onto it, can I sniff all traffic on the network? Maybe metasploit my laptop on the same network and pivot to that?

    The prospects are fantastic and I'm going to have a lot of fun learning with this device.

    Thanks everyone who made it possible.

    Also.... when are you getting the new pinapple v back in stock?! I have the old one and can't wait to try out the new tech!!

  2. Hi guys

    Ive been out the game a long while and upon my return amazed at the leaps and bounds the...... pen test.... scene has made, backtrack/kali, pinapple and the amazing metasploit.

    This may be a noob question but I havent scene anything relatent to it, please dont flame me if its been asked or is obvious.

    So I was wondering if it was possible to get pinapple to redirect to an exploited page with reverse_tcp payload to bang out a meterpreter connection (I think this will be easist to work out when my pinapple arrives). The meterpreter connection leads back to my home machine with port forwarding set up on router etc. Then a script would run automatically for every session escalating privilege and creating a persistant back door in the system.

    This could be noob and sorry if it is.

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