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Posts posted by Meta

  1. Hey all.

    I appreciate all of your comments. Darren, I work very destructively in photoshop and I merge a lot of layers. I can send it to your gmail if you like though.

    I'm not sure there's been enough discussion on this to go any further and I can't seem to get in touch with b4rr13 as of late.

    I can make any changes that the majority of people agree on, but until then, I will give Darren a copy of the mock-up and see what he does with it.

  2. B4rr13 and myself have come to an agreement on the layout of the main page.

    I have therefore, taken the last 3 days to develop a detailed rendition of the site with content from Hak.5 including all advertisements and necessities.

    What do you all think? I'm especially interested in your opinion, Darren.



    I am now working on porting the entirety of this design and all of Hak.5's content including the forums and the wiki over to a temporary Wordpress testing grounds at http://redcardgroup.com/hak5.

    More info as it progresses.

  3. I have completed the cover image for the Calendar.


    I am now taking submissions for pictures for the rest of the calendar's individual months.

    So if you have a mod or an interesting picture regarding to technology that you woul like to be the feature of a month on the Hak.5 Calendar, PM me with the image and what month you are applying for. You may also want to post your suggestion here in this forum.

    August is already reserved with something special.[/img]

  4. First of all, I would like to say that the cast list is awesome.

    Steve Wozniak, Kevin Rose, Leo Laporte.

    Secondly, I would like to inform Metatron that Leo is the one of reasons that Hak.5 is here today.

  5. You could use a radio button which allows you to select whether you want to search the main site or podzinger.

    Chalk up another one for the list of things to change in the redesign.

  6. I'm going to start designing a 2007 Calendar.

    It will feature images from Hak.5 and the Community.

    It will also feature Hackerdom History. (such as, "This date in history...")

    Any conventions or other important dates you guys want to see included?

    Suggestions please.

  7. I didn't mean to necessarily put the ads aside to a smaller spot less noticable, but have the ads more uniform with one another so as to allow for better integration with the rest of the site.

    If they were all the same size relativily, you could do more with the design.

  8. Is it possible to use smaller ad banners for the site?

    I was just thinking that the ads could be placed into a nice clean little row at the top of the screen. Perhaps have the ads in square, 42x42 pixel box each and then you could line them up in a nice row that would look good and would all fit above the fold.

    This may not work so well with GoDaddy, but perhaps the others.

  9. Oh no, you misunderstand, I modified the theme of the forums (Nosebleed) itself and all of it's pieces.

    This included it's CSS and some of the Header and Footer Templates. Which were a mixture of PHP and HTML, but I didn't have to touch the PHP bits.

    So all Darren has to do is upgrade the forums and voila.

  10. I've e-mailed Darren with the code for the forums redesign.

    I hope he goes through with it.

    They could really use this design integration with the rest of the site.

    What do you guys think?

  11. So is the 3 column relaxation theme here to stay now that you've modified it?

    If so, I just spent my afternoon rewriting the code offline for your forums so it will now match the main page. That was one thing that always bugged me was the lack of linkbacks to the home page.

    Also, after reading your ideas of showing off members and their creations in the forums/community page, I thought you may also want to have a Flickr photostream of all of these fan mods displayed in the header.

    You may also want to install a module/plugin for phpbb that selects a random user in the forums and displays them at the top of the page as well. Perhaps in the blank area that I have left under the navigation links.

    Anyways, if you're interested Darren, I've got quite a bit of experience with CSS and Web Design if you ever need any help or want me to implement something in the design.

    Here's a screenshot of the modified forums that I just finished coding. If you like it, just e-mail me or PM me or something and I'd be glad to set it up for you.



  12. I forgot something...

    If you can't get access to the C: drive, put in a floppy disk or something similar that you can write to.

    Then create a shortcut that points to the C: drive. I can't tell you oftent this has worked for me. It will work most of the time.

    Once you have access to that, you could also bring in LanDiscovery on a floppy and mess around from there.

    Have fun, but don't do anything stupid!

  13. A peice of freeware called LanDiscovery will automatically detect all connected LAN devices and allow open access to the schools network. READ, WRITE, you name it, you got it.

    I am still waiting for my school to patch this error, after I told them that it was a vulnerability. I guess the admin is really lazy, or just stupid.

  14. I have admin rights at my school as well. We've had lots of fun changing the homepage for the school to our favourite sites. ie. redcardgroup.com, hak5.org and of course twit.tv.

    But, I agree with ethical motions and Darren, I suggest you tell them how you did it. But make sure you don't tell the admin, tell the principal, that way the admin doesn't hunt you down for breaking his network.

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