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Posts posted by RVZ

  1. You can make a Mark 4 pretty easy all you need to do is go on ebay or amazon and search for Alfa network ap-121u flash the stock firmware to openwrt once you have openwrt then flash with the mark 4 lastest firmware from their you will have a Mark 4.

    Making a Mark 5 is not something i can say i can do because its custom hardware so unless you can find the board hak5 uses and maybe if you're lucky you won't need to do any soldering lol.

    I was told they even custom make the USB Rubber ducky like someone honestly sits there and solders each ducky from what my friend claims he says the way his was soldered it was done by a human not a robot.

    By the way i was gonna work on making my own Mark 4 2 years ago using i think a TP-LINK MR3040 i kept getting it bricked following some guide i literally throw it at the wall and never worked on it again serious anger issues i had that day but been meaning to get another one just $40 is a bit much for something i have no use for :B

    You could honestly just buy a Raspberry Pi 2 and install Kali Linux to it and then install http://www.fruitywifi.com/index_eng.html :B

    I've managed to setup my MR3020 as a Karma router, will have a look for the Alfa one, thanks.

    Already started playing around with fruitywifi, seems about the closest I'll get to a Pineapple.

  2. Anyone here managed to get Pineapple firmware running on something like a TP-Link router? I've been trying with a TP-Link MR3020 the last couple of days, but not really getting anywhere. Seems like a lot of these tutorials have errors in them and that's just complicating it more.

    Any specific device that's known to work properly?

    PS: I would love to buy a proper Wifi Pineapple, but unfortunately they don't ship to South Africa.

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