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Ham Radio

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Posts posted by Ham Radio

  1. Thanks for the help guys! Now I know why my wifi is so slow! I have one old IBM thinkpad that only uses B so it will probably be worth getting a N wireless card for it.

    All my other devices can use N it's just that my router only supports b/g.

    I don't care about the frequency since I don't have a microwave, wireless phones, or anything that will cause interference. My closest neighbor is about 300 yards away so they aren't a concern either.

    That Asus router looks really good! I sure wish I could get it. For now, I went ahead and got this one.


    It should be here today so I will tell you guys how it works out. I wonder if I can put DD-WRT or openWRT on it?

  2. Hey Everyone!

    I have tried searching for the answer and this seemed like the best place to ask it. Hope I'm doing it right :)

    I am looking into buying a new router so I had a couple questions.

    1. Which router do you guys think is the best for under $60?

    2. I have multiple devices but only one supports 802.11b while all my other devices support 802.11n. So should I buy a wireless card for that device so it will register 802.11n, or just get a router that will broadcast 802.11b/g/n? Does broadcasting b/g/n degrade the signal if I just broadcasted n?



    aka Ham Radio

  3. Thanks for the advice guys. :).

    Well, what I am thinking is a desktop for video, photo editing, gaming, large storage, that kind of stuff. Then some kind of mobile computing device. I am thinking a tablet, or something like that. I am currently using a 3 year old HP laptop, and am using it like a desktop. I use an external keyboard, all the USB ports are being used, I use external speakers, etc.. I only use the laptop once a week for a couple hours, so I will just save it for that. The laptop weighs over 6 lb's, so it's not very easy to carry around. The tablet would be used for taking notes, reading, web, e-mail, primarily business focused but I will use it for personal use too. That's what my current thoughts are, but I welcome any suggestions. Thanks :)

  4. Hey guys!

    I am in the market for getting a new machine, and am wondering if anybody knows what machine Darren and Shannon use on the show?

    I figure that they would get a good one, and not a bad one so that's what I am wondering. Thanks!

    Also a machine that you guys recommend would be appreciated too.

    Whether it is a desktop, laptop, tablet, netbook, or ultrabook. I am exploring all my options. Thanks!

  5. Welcome to the community Ham Radio. In order to recommend anything, it'd greatly help us help you if we knew where you currently are in your tech knowledge. Even simple things such as, are you familiar with linux?

    The next thing is, what are you interested in? Judging by your username, you like the RF stuff. Most everyone here loves hacking wifi, so a awus036h (purchase from hakshop.com to support the show!) is an absolute must for getting started. Watch all of the haktips about wifi for a good starter. If you want to delve deep into wifi, watch Vivek's Wifi Megaprimer on securitytube.net. Once you've got the hang of it, you can get into the pineapples (where the *real* fun is at in my opinion). The pineapple community is huge here - by far the most active sub-forum where you can find tons of helpful folks and tons of reading material.

    I tried as best I could given the lack of info you provided - Hope this helps!


    You know what, you are so right! Sorry about that!

    Here we go!

    My name is Elijah, and I am 20 years old. I have been working with windows my entire life. My first windows experience was Windows ME (I know, It was terrible, the system crashed and my parent's made me pay $100 dollars to repair it) when I was 6 or 8, I can't really remember. I have always liked computers, and tech stuff. I have a computer repair business, but I mostly focus on windows and software. I have been keeping up with Linux for years, but recently just got really into it. I installed Ubuntu on my 3 year old Windows 7 laptop, and recently made it my main OS. I know about backtrack linux, but have never really gotten into it. You are correct about my name, Ham Radio. I have a Ham Radio license, and enjoy doing stuff. Unfortunately, i have never really had an excess of money so even though I have a General Class license, I haven't gotten an HF rig cause i can't afford it. I want to get a Nexus 7, so that I can hack that and put Ubuntu on it, but can't even afford that right now. If you had a scale of 1 to 10 of how much I know about linux, I would say I am a 3, maybe. That's probably pushing it. I found that ALFA USB Wifi adapter in the store, and can probably get that, thanks for recommending that. :). I also created a post in the Introduce Yourself thread if you guys would like to read some more details about me. :).


  6. Hi Everyone!

    I am new to this hacker thing. I have watched some Hak5 shows, and love it. :) even though I don't understand some of the things that they are talking about, lol. I plan on to continue to watch the show, learn, and hopefully participate if that's ok, :). An advice that you guys can give for someone starting out would be greatly appreciated. Books to read, videos to watch, anything. Thanks!!

  7. Hi Guys!!!!

    I am kinda new to the hacking world, so I hope that you guys will be patient with me :)

    I am new to Hak5, as well as hacking in general. I have always liked computers, and always been pretty good with them, but I would love to get into the world of hacking. I recently switched my main OS from Windows 7 to Ubuntu 12.04, so I am new to running Linux full time, but I have messed around with it before. I was hoping that this would be a great community to get involved with. If you guys to help me get started, I would greatly appreciate it:)

    Here is a little bit about myself:

    My name is Elijah a.k.a Ham Radio

    Favourite game: Don't have a favorite game right now, but I used to love Star Trek Online
    Favourite OS: Hm, I will have to pick three. Windows 7, Ubuntu, and openSUSE
    Favorite console: Never owned one.
    Nationality: American
    Accent: English (western)
    Sex: Male
    Age: 20
    Race: White European
    Height: 6â€5’
    Build: Average
    Favourite band: Don't have one, I like a bunch of different people.
    Favourite book: Haven't really read that many books.
    Favourite author: Don't know.
    Favourite movie: Hm, that's a tough one. I will just say the star trek movies
    Favourite TV Show: Star Trek - all of them, but I haven't seen the animates series.
    Favourite actor: Richard Dean Anderson
    Favourite actress: Amanda Tapping
    Favourite Comedian: Chonda Pierce
    Other hobbies: Piano, Hiking, and other stuff.
    Occupation: Computer Repair, and an Independent Consultant for Shelf Reliance
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