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Posts posted by hardrive9000

  1. Hi petertfm.Thanks for this infusion..It's geat but....I've found an issue.

    I'm running the latest firmware version (2.7 - MK4) and Randomroll 3.2. After trying it for a few minutes I noticed there is no logs!!

    You use:

    randomrollDir="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd)"

    to get the directory where Randomroll is installed. This is correct but in /usb/modules/randomroll/randomroll/log.php the code is the following:

    $roll = $_GET['roll'];
    $clientIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    $clientMAC = exec("cat /proc/net/arp | grep ".$clientIP." | awk '{print $4}'");
    $clientName = exec("cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep '".$clientMAC."' | awk '{ print $4}'");
    if (file_exists('/usb/infusions/randomroll/logs')) {
    	exec('echo \''.date("Y-m-d H:i:s").' | '.$clientMAC.' | '.$clientIP.' | '.$clientName.' | '.$roll.' | '.$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"].'\' >> /usb/infusions/randomroll/logs/RandomRoll.log');
    unset($roll, $clientIP, $clientMAC, $clientName);

    The path to /usb/infusions/randomroll/logs (lines 11-12) is hardcoded and this path doesn't exists. I fixed this issue replacing the wrong path /usb/infusions/randomroll/logs with the right path /usb/modules/randomroll/logs.

    Best regards.

  2. WM thanks for this infusion..It's geat but....there's a problem.

    I'm running the latest firmware version (2.7 - MK4) and no option seems to work. Only "Reboot" option works.

    MK4 Karma, DNS Spoof, URL Snarf, SSH not change their statuses when WPS Button is pressed.

    Will be an update for this infusion? Thanks in advance.

    Best regards.

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