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Status Updates posted by gsuberland

  1. .@kent_police So you've arrested someone for exercising his right to free speech and expression, which the poppy represents? Utterly moronic

  2. .@TechCrunch @riptari You Might Have Gotten A Tweet From @gsuberland About Silly Capitalization In Your Article Titles.

  3. "Greetings From Mrs. Zeng a staff of Lloyds TSB Group Plc. Your assistance is needed for a transaction that worth($ 13,991,674}." ... ORLY?

  4. "Putting a logged in user's credit card number in hidden field" http://t.co/WjJRDxOF #infosec #facepalm

  5. "We are pleased to inform you that Starcraft 2: Heart Of The Swarm is now available to order." ... SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

  6. "You’ve got to have defence in depth and PCI gives you that best defence." WAT. THE. FUCK. NO. http://t.co/YmV6b7pB

  7. (though not until I've had food - I'm starving!)

  8. A girl just asked "How do I get my rabbit to stop chewing the carpet?" on Facebook. My mind is so far in the gutter it's unreal.

  9. Anons are on the march in London! https://t.co/QRfy6gCZ (image courtesty of @AnonymouSkY)

  10. Anyone seen the new Toys R Us advert? It's bloody terrible! It doesn't even rhyme!

  11. BaaS: Bacon as a Service

  12. Can't believe that PSD tweet got 50 retweets... :P

  13. Coincidentally, I'm listening to "I Hope You Die" by Bloodhound Gang.

  14. Derren Brown once again proves that the human brain is less secure than an unpatched Java installation.

  15. Found a spyware bundle with a smart trick - drops a legit Flash update and injects a malicious HTTP download payload into the process.

  16. I can't believe I just said this... "1st of April, that's May day right?" #facedesk

  17. I'd love to see more bands hitting record companies where it hurts - their pockets. They're the real crooks of the music industry.

  18. I've developed a habit of saying "OF DOOM!" on the end of everything. I only just realised this morning, when I said "toothpaste OF DOOM!"

  19. In all seriousness, this kind of cyber-douchery is a cancer on infosec journalism, dragging the entire field down with it. It needs to stop.

  20. It's not every day you get retweeted by Randy Newman.

  21. Just found a new #spam network on #Twitter - search for "Павел Глоба" and you'll see plenty of spambots to report :)

  22. Just saw Skyfall. Personal opinion: first half was disjointed, incidental and full of cyber-jargon, but the second half made up for it.

  23. Kaspersky must've been hanging out with McAfee when they decided to make their own "secure OS".

  24. Man's cat dies, so he turns it into a hovercopter. This man needs a psychiatric evaluation and a medal. http://t.co/V0S3iYv3

  25. Missed the first few minutes of the Ganzi vs. Bomber match... oh, I missed the whole game. gg, I guess? :P

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