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Posts posted by TheresNone

  1. Id like to learn some programing and learn some things about network/computer security. Thing is im very busy in life [doing a nursing program] and would like things that dont cost a lot of money, i can maybe vist a bay that may have pirates to get some ebooks and what not, but I'd like to know where to start.

    I did make a game server from an open source, but my 'friend' crashed the whole thing when he deleted a few lines of code. I know for a fact he doesnt know how to code a server and he just rage deleted a bunch of files, bc i 'stole' [he dint log on or update his server for 2months] his players. This happened a few years ago.

    Now I own an iMac+Macbook pro (iMac is for my parents bc its nice and simple for them to use, i like the macbook pro, not gana lie, for the looks and to sort of fit in you could say). I can get vmware and download *COUGH* buy a new OS like linux, but I have no clue where to start.

    If anyone could push me in the right direction that would be awesome.

    Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day. :)

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