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Posts posted by GoAxe32

  1. @newfylox

    What works to your advantage, is the fact that almost EVERYONE's phone, or laptop has an open access point saved and ready to auto-connect when in range.

    Even if you're in a place, such as school, with an encrypted network nearby, your target's phone can still connect to 'MyHome' even though they aren't home, as the pineapple will automatically impersonate this, or any other open network saved in their device.

    What's even better, is you can use any number of methods to 'steer' targets to your pineapple, such as deauthing them from other valid networks near you.

    If you're a beginner, take a look at Hak5 episodes 1122, 1123 and 1124. Darren does a good job breaking down how wifi fundamentally works, and where the pineapple jumps in to take advantage of its weaknesses.

  2. RE: pineNumberGate,

    Maybe I'm mistaken (considering I'm relatively new to Linux), but given that everything here is open source, and anyone at anytime can see everything the code does, it seems like any concern over pineNumbers is misplaced. And even if everything isn't open source, this entire audience is made up of people with experience intercepting and analyzing traffic from different devices....

    My point is, it's different when we discover Apple, Microsoft or Facebook keeping statistics. This just isn't the same thing at all, and doesn't deserve the same kind of reaction. This is a collaborative open source community designed to make something awesome, even better. I personally, trust the admins to only collect and use information necessary to make improvements. But regardless, when our entire user base is made up of developers, doing anything underhanded just seems retarded.

  3. Hackrylix,

    I've possibly run into some similar issues working with reaver on the command line and can share my experiences. If you're still having issues, maybe what I've learned will help. If not, then disregard.

    I noticed I had to take down the 'phantom' monitor interface first (mon.wlan0), then wlan0, THEN start wlan0, and FINALLY put it into monitor mode to properly get it to work, and also NOT be stuck on channel 11 as others have run into.

    So I had to:

    ifconfig mon.wlan0 down

    ifconfig wlan0 down

    ifconfig wlan0 up

    airmon-ng start wlan0

    After all this, I had a virtual interface, mon0, that worked nicely for reaver.

    Once side effect seemed to be that, in order to get back to being able to run Karma I had to reboot to get the 'phantom' interface back, but I'm sure those better than I could figure out how to revert without rebooting.

    Hope this helps, but either way thanks for diving in and putting together a nice reaver interface. Much needed, and looking forward to it.

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