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Posts posted by n0vember

  1. Glad you found something that works for you, skimpniff.

    As for the future of Ubuntu...well, it seems they aren't getting anymore popular: http://distrowatch.c...urce=popularity (yes, I know it's not an accurate count of market share)

    Linux has always been about community-driven development, in my opinion. Providing features the users want, and taking away the garbage they don't want. When a "distro maker" (for lack of a better term) builds more for themselves than their users, I can't see them being successful much longer.

    I concur. Ubuntu was the first Linux distro I used. I wasen't really aware of the different GUIs avalbile for Linux until Gnome radically changed it's interface, and added Unity. I was accusomed to drop down menus and such, and taking that away turned me off.

  2. Hello, I'm n0vember.

    Favourite game: Currently playing Super Monday Night Combat.

    Favourite OS: Windows on my desktop, Arch Linux on my notebook.

    Favourite console: The PC. :D

    Nationality: United States

    Accent: Varies

    Sex: Male


    Race: White (why the hell should that even matter?)

    Height: 5 ft. 8

    Status: Dating an anime fan

    Build: Thin

    Favourite band: Rock, hip-hop and electro. No American Top 40!

    Favourite book: Anything I can learn from.

    Favourite author: NA

    Favourite movie: Shawn of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, and every future Egdar Wright film.

    Favourite director: Egdar Wright

    Favourite TV Show: Don't watch much TV, so NA.

    Favourite actor: Simon Pegg

    Favourite actress: Can't think of one off the top of my head....

    Favourite Pinup: Prints of my girlfriend's artwork.

    Favourite Comedian: Jon Stewart (TV satirist that makes sense to me), and Stephen Colbert (who will 'feel the news at you').

    Other hobbies: Gaming, PC modding, other stuff.

    Car: 1999 Mazda Protege

    Occupation: Student

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