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Posts posted by sickduck

  1. I'm using firmware 2.70 and the latest version of Network Manager.

    I am using the USB Wifi from the Hak Store. I am running the pineapple off of a 1Ah battery and the USB hub off of a 2Ah battery.

    The module does not bring my wlan1 up. I have to manually issue the command ifconfig wlan1 up.

    I go into Network manager and change my settings to connect to an AP. I click save, then commit.

    When I click commit I get this and wlan1 goes down. Any ideas?

    Network Manager
    radio0 wlan0 enabled
    radio1 - enabled

  2. What about changing it to

    If someone port scans it and sees 1471 then they might try to connect to that port and be greeted with a logon box. Having to add /pineapple would make it a little more difficult. Weak security through obscurity but any little helps....

    ...and on the other hand maybe /pineapple isn't a good idea either. It gives it away that it is a pineapple.

  3. Does anyone know how to mirror the LAN port from the WAN port? What I am trying to do is to monitor all wireless traffic in realtime from Wireshark. (I want this in realtime so I can't use tcpdump.) The pineapple gets internet from the WAN port. I used network manager to set up the internet sharing to br-lan. I would like the LAN port to be a monitor/mirror port to see the wireless traffic. I did some googling and came up with the following iptables commands but it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas, please?

    iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -j ROUTE --gw --tee

    iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -j ROUTE --gw --tee

  4. Maybe it has something to do with the hub still providing power to the USB device. Maybe the host side resets but the device never does.

    If it makes any difference my USB hub backfeeds power into the pineapple. I never got around to snipping the red wire on the data cable.

    My company uses a lot of USB UARTs powered only by the USB bus. They are buggy and sometimes loose connection to the computer. Unplugging and replugging the USB cable fixes the problem but it is usually easier to tell them to restart the computer. However I noticed on some computers the USB ports never seem to loose power and the reboot never fixes the problem. So now I tell people to completely power off their computers, wait a few seconds and then power it back on.

  5. I have a reverse SSH tunnel set up from my Pineapple to a DD-WRT router acting as the relay. I use PuTTY to SSH into the router (port 22) then from there, SSH into the Pineapple (port 4255). Is it possible with PuTTY and DD-WRT (Dropbear) to make this a one step process similar to "ssh root@ -p 4255" so I only have to SSH once? Also, is it possible to tunnel HTTP through this connection using PuTTY so I can have my browser connect to PuTTY as a proxy then directly access

  6. Correct. I'm aware of the disclaimers, etc. I have gotten nothing but education use out of the pineapple so far. My knowledge of everything 802 has increased greatly. I was just curious if mobile devices are as trackable as regualr internet connections. It is my understanding that cellular mobile data connections are sent through some type of proxy/NAT server before going out to the internet with a bunch of people sharing the same IP.

  7. Battery capacity is measured in milliamp hours (mAh) or amp hours (Ah). 1 Amp = 1000 milliAmps.

    Basically this means that a 3000mAh can provide 3000mA or 3A for 1 hour or 1000mA or 1A for 3 hours. (It is actually less due to resistance and overhead but its a good ballpark number).

    The somewhere on this form lists how much current (amps) the pineapple draws. I remember it being something like 700mA for the pineapple only and up to 2500 (I think) for a pineapple with other devices attached to the USB port such as another wifi radio or 3G dongle.

    So with just the pineapple only the 3000mAh battery should last you theoretically a little over 3 hours. With the pineapple running at full load it may last a little more than 1 hour. I would also suggest a battery with 2 USB outputs so you can power the pineapple and a USB hub at the same time. Make sure one of the outputs is at least a 2A output for best results.

  8. When using a pineapple and 3G what are the odds of someone noticing that they are getting pineappled, recording the external IP then filing a complaint with the cellular provider? Then you get a knock on your door. The 3G seems great for remote administration but is it safe to use to provide internet access to the masses?

  9. I frequently work in remote areas where my 3G dongle does not get reception inside a building. I leave the pineapple in my car (plugged into a USB cell phone charger) with the 3G dongle attached. I then connect to the Pineapple's WiFi from inside.

    You can edit your /etc/config/wireless to enable encryption and change the channel.

    Here is part of my /etc/config/wireless

    config wifi-iface
    option device radio0
    option network lan
    option mode ap
    option ssid "SSID Name Here"
    option encryption wep
    option key 1234567890

    Remember to backup the file first. You will need to revert back if you want to use Karma.

  10. It would be nice to kill processes via the web interface. If I want to kill something I either have to SSH in or go to the resources page to find the PID then back to the advanced page to type in the command to kill it. Maybe either a link next to the PID to kill it or a text box where we can enter the PID and a kill button.

  11. It appears that each access point has its own subnet. I'm not sure why but it seems to me that it would defeat the purpose of roaming between them. If you want to learn more about the different subnet masks and subnetting Google 'CIDR'.

    As far as connecting to them give this a try:


    If you have the key remember to use the s: prefix if the password is plain text (ASCII). If it is numbers and a b c d e f then it is hex and don't use the s:

    You also need to know the channel number of the AP you want to connect to. Use 'airodump-ng' to find the channel. Select an AP with the strongest signal strength. The numbers are negative and higher values are better. For example -70 is a stronger signal then -90.

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