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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. weird? I would re format the drive and re flash the pineapple to make sure it's not a glitch.

    That did the trick. For anyone else that comes across this problem. It looks like updating the firmware with the usb drive in was the difference. If you update the firmware and reconfigure things you might wanna do it with the usb drive out. Second time around and I am back up and running.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. if the mkswap command has already been run on that partition then that is normal.

    I am curious why your using sdb2? and not sda2?

    I have not run the mkswap command on the partition before and it still gives that error.

    The sdb2 vs sda2 happens because of the following. If my fstab looks as follows

    config mount
           option target   /usb
           option device   /dev/sdb1
           option fstype   ext4
           option options  rw,sync
           option enabled  1
           option enabled_fsck 0
    config swap
           option device   /dev/sdb2
           option enabled  1

    when I plug in the usb drive it will mount it at /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2

    if I change the fstab to the following

    config mount
           option target   /usb
           option device   /dev/sda1
           option fstype   ext4
           option options  rw,sync
           option enabled  1
           option enabled_fsck 0
    config swap
           option device   /dev/sda2
           option enabled  1

    when plugging in the usb drive it mounts it to /dev/sdb2 which is the state I had it in when i posted the request for help. Changing it back and forth has not helped either way so I just posted in the state I was in. The problem with the command not returning the correct response is that it doesn't appear to be reading the usb as part of the memory right now.

    root@Pineapple:~# free
                 total         used         free       shared      buffers
    Mem:         29524        25180         4344            0         3636
    -/+ buffers:              21544         7980
    Swap:            0            0            0

  3. I keep getting the following message trying to create the swap on while the usb stick is plugged in

    mkswap /dev/sdb2

    /dev/sdb2: Device or resource busy

    (I can switch it to sda2 by editing the fstab to have sdb init and when i mount the usb it will take the sda place).

    Anyone have any thoughts on how to get past the device or resource busy error?

    http://cl.ly/0v010g0d2z0b1y0a2f0a (screen shot of my settings)

  4. using the opkg module will not give you all the error details. ssh in and issue:

    opkg update
    opkg --dest usb install sslstrip

    it will tell you more about the error this way. I tried to install a package the other day and found out this version of openwrt is the bleeding edge and the repository for this bleeding edge version unfortunately is always changing, newest bleeding edge version/kernel:-( IE pineapple is kernel 3.2 and repository is 3.3

    Thanks this got it up and running for me. Appreciate the help

  5. Pineapple Hardware Version: Mark IV

    Pineapple Software Version: 2.0.0

    OS used to connect to the pineapple: linux and osx

    Network layout of how your setup is connected (including IP information): main router ( mk4 wired over poe/lan to main router (

    All the tools/options that are running on the pineapple when the issue happened: Added the modules: opkg, sslstrip, tcpdump, urlsnarf I have the 4GB usb drive on the mk4

    Ping results from computer to pineapple:


    PING ( 56 data bytes

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=4.480 ms

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.385 ms

    Is the problem repeatable (Yes/No): Yes

    Steps taken which created the problem:

    -launch the opkg manager

    -search for: ssls

    -attempt install sslstrip (have tried both install to root and usb)

    Install appears to stall only showing this output:

    Installing sslstrip (0.7-1) to usb...

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/ssltrip_0.7-1_ar71xx.ipk.

    Multiple packages (libpthread and libpthread) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.

    Multiple packages (libpthread and libpthread) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.

    Installing pythong (2.7.3-1) to usb...

    It just sits in this state indefinitely

    Error Messages: N/A

    Log file information:

    Anything else that was attempted to 'fix' the problem: reboots, attempt multiple times

    Anyone else experiencing this issue or know how to get an install working correctly for ssl strip?

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