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Posts posted by RompeRatones

  1. brainstorming

    ls -Q *.jpg | grep -v -e highlight -e thumb -e sized | xargs cp destinationdir/

    update: it didnt worked...

    i got this to work nontheless

    for pics in `ls *.jpg | grep -v -e highlight -e thumb -e sized `; do cp $pics destinationdir/ ; done

    update2: oops i just saw a very similar command just above...

    here's one with sed

    for pics in `ls | sed 's/thumb|highlight|sized/DONTCOPY/g' | grep -v DONTCOPY `; do cp $pics destdir/ ; done

  2. I dont do windows, im actually working with

    ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/history.dat under linux and ii have no idea if it works on windows +cygwin (you need bash powa :-) );


    #usage ./script path_to_history outputfile


    grep http $HISTORY |

    cut -d"=" -f2 |

    grep ^http |

    awk -F"//" '{ print $2}' |

    cut -d"/" -f1 |

    sort |uniq > $2

  3. Some python here

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    while True:
            number1= int(raw_input('input number1: '))
            if number1>10000 or number1< (-10000):
                print "number not between values 10000 -10000"
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            print "Not valid.  Try again..."
    while True:
            number2= int(raw_input('input number2: '))
            if number2>10000 or number2< (-10000):
                print "number not between values 10000 -10000"
                raise ValueError
            if number2==number1:
                print "both numbers are the same... choose another"
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            print "Not valid.  Try again..."
    def showMe(number):
            for foo in range(2, number):
                if  number%foo==0:
                    return False
            return True
    def ShowPrimes(min, max):
            for numero_primo in range(min,max+1):
                if res:
                    if numero_primo !=0: #  division by 0 doesnt count
                        print numero_primo

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