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Posts posted by pimmpinit

  1. Thanks Sebkinne, I canceled my order and was refunded. Do you know of any other online retailer that sells the open source Alfa AP121U? I already have one from the HakShp but now I want to build one as a gift to my friend.

  2. Pimminit, seems like the switching failed when checking #2 configuration. Did you add a 1fac:0150 config file in /etc/usb_modeswitch.d1 directory, then reboot?

    If so, does line #2 in 1fac:0150 read:


    With the script I have running now it connects 50% of the time. I'm not sure what you mean about adding a 1fac:0150 config file to the directory. Do I SSH and edit a file or something?

  3. I keep getting this error.

    00:02:23 Pineapple syslog.notice usb_modeswitch: switching device 1fac:0151 on 001/004
    00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.670000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
    00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.660000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
    00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.650000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
    00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.640000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
    00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.630000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
    00:02:22 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.2:1.0: Switching seemingly failed


  4. Hey guys I have with me a Virgin Mobile U600 I am trying to make it work with the Pineapple but like most things in life, I am lost. So from the long list of modems on the 3G page I found:

    ######################################################### Franklin Wireless U600DefaultVendor= 0x1facDefaultProduct=0x0150TargetVendor=  0x1facTargetProduct= 0x0151MessageContent="555342431234567824000000800108df200000000000000000000000000000"

    How should I write this in?

    USB Connections::

    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. 4-Port HUB
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1fac:0151

    Mobile Broadband Configuration::

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check for known usb modem vendor and product IDs then switch 'em from storage to serial modem mode
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "Searching for attached 3G Modems"
    logger "3G: Connection Script here, searching for modems"
    MODEM=$(lsusb | awk '{ print $6 }')
    echo $MODEM

    case "$MODEM" in

    *1fac:0151* | *1fac:0151*) echo "Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch"
    uci delete network.wan2
    uci set network.wan2=interface
    uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0
    uci set network.wan2.proto=4g
    uci set network.wan2.service=umts
    uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
    uci set network.wan2.username=internet
    uci set network.wan2.password=internet
    uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1
    uci set network.wan2.ppp_redial=persist
    uci set network.wan2.peerdns=0
    uci set network.wan2.dns=
    uci set network.wan2.keepalive=1
    uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=debug
    uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=noauth
    uci commit network
    usb_modeswitch -v 1fac -p 5031 -V 1fac -P 0151 -M 555342431234567824000000800108df200000000000000000000000000000 -n 1 -s 20
    sleep 10; rmmod usbserial
    sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x1fac product=0x0151
    sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop
    logger "3G: firewall stopped"
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT


  5. I love dx.com! I have spent thousands of dollars over the past years ordering things I don't need. :)

    I don't bother with defective items like madhak said but I do a live chat to talk with them. So far they just refund me all my money.

    Most recent purchase from them for my pineapple was:

    Dual USB 2.0 Male Ports to 3 USB Female + 1 Mini USB Ports Charging/Data Hub - Black
  6. Hi All,

    I can't seem to find any information on this 3G modem (huawei umg1691). I was given three on them for free while my Pineapple is in the mail. :(

    Anyone have an idea if this will work out of the box just like any generic modem?

    On a side note, I was thinking about using T-Mobile Monthly 4G plan. For $30 a month I can have 100 minutes/unlimited text/unlimited data.





  7. thanks! you saved me! well i should have said what i'm using this for. i live at a bording school and they do computer check while i'm not in the room so i wanted to make a quick cmd script for my roomate to click to delete certain files i dont want to school getting. do you remember the show i'm talking about? its really killing me. i think it might be hak.5 but i cant find the segment in the show notes, and i know it wasn't the broken or system or diggnation.

  8. ok a while back i remember watching a video of some online tech show just like hak.5. i watched an episode where someone wrote up a cmd script that automaticaly deleted your mp3's off the computer. it was around the time the riaa was busting down people, so i guess they thought it was funny to write this scipt and put it on its site in the show notes. i just really need the name of the show or the site or even a script.

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