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Status Updates posted by Brak710

  1. Not sure what I hate more about calling call centers, talking to the people or talking to the computers. At least I think the computers care

  2. How does "Congrats to the Devils" trend before "1975"? I think we just got screwed by the trend algo.

  3. The absolute bane of my existence: http://t.co/pdlblAyc

  4. oh my god smith. Come on man. You gotta put that in.

  5. rangers. man.

  6. Still feel like I need to do homework I forgot or something.

  7. You'd think the ants would come inside during the winter. But no... It's summer and they're everywhere.

  8. Cosmic brownies are just too good. Once you eat one, you can't stop.

  9. What a save by lundqvist. So easy

  10. Managed to lose my keys the second I take them off the lanyard. What a joke

  11. Not sure if the stink bugs are getting in, or are just waking up from last year...

  12. I like how my internship will cost me $7k to get the credits from RMU. Not sure how that even makes sense. They didn't even help me get it.

  13. Not sure what ">>" mean exactly and why, but I guess they make sense and are okay...

  14. Still not sure why RMU makes you meet with an advisor every semester to register classes...

  15. Shoot the guy who wired my grandparents house. Nothing even makes sense. It would be cheaper if it had burned down years ago...

  16. Finally got both new router playing nice together. Just have to make the cables pretty again... http://t.co/4COXmWWy

  17. I never watched CNBC until they put the NHL games on it when they had to, turns out the documentaries are pretty cool.

  18. Phoenix is unreal. Can't believe they might be the team to survive the west.

  19. Just saw a spider in my room, now I can't find it. Time for a new house.

  20. Somehow passed the hardest marketing class on earth. RMU should just give me my degree now.

  21. I really feel like we're never going to see IPv6 on Verizon at least... Feels like we haven't gotten anywhere in 2 years.

  22. Passive aggressive tweets clutter my feed, so here is another one just for kicks.

  23. Marty better shut the door against the Flyers.

  24. I love Wendy's Baconators, but I always regret eating them.

  25. Why must the Penguins be out of it? I don't even know what to look forward to this summer anymore...

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