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Status Updates posted by Brak710

  1. Holy mother of god both my FiOS lines went out. Bad times.

  2. How does "Congrats to the Devils" trend before "1975"? I think we just got screwed by the trend algo.

  3. How on earth is St. Louis the best team in the NHL?

  4. I bet the end of OCC will be Sr and Jr not even being related and it was just two random dudes arguing for 15 years.

  5. I for sure should drop out of school and become an air conditioner repair man. Could be charging $150/hr easy.

  6. I forgot how good COPS is. Watching a cop eat apples while they clean up a dude who cut his wrists.

  7. I had tan lines from my god damn gloves, sunglasses, and ear muffs. What a joke.

  8. I have a quarter that no vending machine will accept. It is the chosen one.

  9. I have procrastinated cutting the grass for long enough.... /sigh

  10. I hope people realize the Kony movement is pretty much a scam.

  11. I just can't stand professors who are wrong. You're messing these kids up for years, you of all people NEED to be right.

  12. I like how a professional news organization used the term "graphic language."

  13. I like how my internship will cost me $7k to get the credits from RMU. Not sure how that even makes sense. They didn't even help me get it.

  14. I love enjoying nice days from the comfort of my car in the middle of traffic...

  15. I love Wendy's Baconators, but I always regret eating them.

  16. I never watched CNBC until they put the NHL games on it when they had to, turns out the documentaries are pretty cool.

  17. I really feel like NASCAR needs better broom guys. They're pathetic.

  18. I really feel like we're never going to see IPv6 on Verizon at least... Feels like we haven't gotten anywhere in 2 years.

  19. I really feel student government is the biggest joke ever. You could have the ideas ever, and it doesn't matter at all.

  20. I really need a break from school. Not a semester off since summer of jr year in highschool.......

  21. I remember when the Avs were feared.

  22. I seriously spent 30 seconds trying to figure out if two people where speaking French or English... Not sure if I'm retarded or deaf.

  23. I swear aquafina vending machine water tastes 10x better than anything else.

  24. I think a leaf was playing goalie for the Penguins there.

  25. I think I managed to read the entire Internet. class is more boring than I ever could have imagined.

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