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Posts posted by antianti

  1. Flashing is never 100% secure. However, bricking the routers is not as easy as it sounds. I still do not accept any responsibility if you break it.

    For sure, I just needed some advice

    I would recommend you use the GUI app to flash your fon2202, if that doesn't work, just follow the redboot flashing guide.

    However I recommend that you wait until I release the new version in a bit, as there are issues with wifi in the latest release.

    It will be fixed within the next few hours or minutes.

    I will wait until you recommend, I'm trying to get all set up, and trying to get freifunk. I have flashed openwrt onto this fon before with fonflash utility from gargoyle, I'm not sure if it is the same. I got it to learn openwrt, but I didn't know of jasager and wifipineapple, I hope it is not too difficult to play with it. Thanx

  2. I'm following your progress, I'm a coward noob and I'm awaiting until it works as expected, so that I won't go crazy trying to fix it. Thanks a lot to everyone involved in this project

    Do you think I can flash this onto a fon 2202? it should work, right?

    Does it include a web interface like we can see in the videos of the MK3?

  3. I'm so poor that I can't spend $99 on a MK III. I bought Fonera 2.0g (2202) 2 months ago because I wanted to use openwrt and this was the cheapest option I found. http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/fon/start

    I stumbled upon jasager and wifipineapple recently and I wonder if it would be possible to flash wifipineapple MK III firmware to this device. I'm one click away of flashing the files here with fonflash utility, but I prefer to ask before bricking it. Is it really possible to have that nice mkIII web interface by making a wifipineapple DIY with a fon 2202 router? any advice is welcome

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