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Posts posted by nanoymast3r

  1. When starting metasploit and after any command I was getting this error repeat 12 times:

    /metasploit/lib/active_support/core_ext/kernal/agnostics.rb:7: warning: Insecure world writable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    I tried changing the permissions on the vendor folder (and all sub folders/files) which changed nothing.

    then I did the same on the entire metasploit directory (still nothing)

    I then commented out the code of agnostics.rb (which is just some error displaying code - weird and misleading)

    which gave the following errors:

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:1835: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:1919: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:1919: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:1889: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:1919: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:1919: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:2082: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:6889: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:6907: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:6918: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:6927: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    /metasploit/lib/readline.rb:6938: warning: Insecure world writeable dir /vendor in PATH, mode 040777

    I found the lines, hoping to discover the error or possibly find a way to supress them in readline.rb

    1835: `infocmp -C`.split(':').select{|x| x =~ /(.*)=(.*)/ and hash[$1]=$2.gsub('\\E',"\e").gsub(/\^(.)/){($1[0].ord ^ ((?a..?z).include?($1[0]) ? 0x60 : 0x40)).chr}}

    1919: `infocmp -C -r`.scan(/\w{2}/).include?(name)

    1889: wr,wc = `stty size`.split(' ').map{|x| x.to_i}

    2082: h = Hash[*`stty -a`.scan(/(\w+) = ([^;]+);/).flatten]

    6889: @_rl_tty_chars.t_eol2 = h['eol2']

    6907: def prepare_terminal_settings(meta_flag)

    6918: setting << " pass8"

    6927: *blank*

    6938: *blank*

    I am still just as clueless as before.

    metasploit is installed and running as root - as is _everything_ in my environment.

    does anyone know of a way to supress these errors - it would be greatly appreciated

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