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Posts posted by calig

  1. Hi everyone,

    Just joined today because of my interest in wireless.

    My curiosity has been aroused by a local AP that is not transmitting an ESSID. It also is neither transmitting beacon frames nor data.

    The channel shows a negative one, as does the power. Facts:

    1. I know this AP is nearby because, before they hid the ESSID, the power output was fairly high.

    2. Airodump-ng shows -1 channel, -1 power, and a hidden ESSID, although the BSSID is visible. Neither the channel nor the encryption scheme are being transmitted.

    3. Neither beacons nor data are being sent. I can determine the correct name of the ESSID from the probe field in airodump-ng

    but that is all.

    4. All attempts in aireplay-ng to dissociate the client fail with the message that "No such BSSID" is found!?

    5. Kismet, on the other hand, does not even see the AP.

    6. Loading the .cap file in Wireshark reveals no information about those packets for which the source, or dest, is the AP.

    Can anyone give me guidance on how I can learn more about this?


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