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  1. Hi, I liked the bit of the last episode where Darren showed how to disable the caps lock key. However, after a reboot I have to retype the setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps command again. Does anyone know of a way to permanently get rid of this utterly unnecessary key? Cheers Hackmeifyoucan
  2. Wow you did it! I must say I am impressed. (I tried but didn't quite manage) Did you use rtmpdump? If so how did you put the URL together? Hackmeifyoucan
  3. Hi Infiltrator, I am a regular user of get-iplayer and have been for some time. I wrote a little bash script to make things a little more comfortable (since I need to use a proxy). Thanx anyway Hackmeifyoucan BTW: Why is there no option to edit one's posting? Now I had to post twice!? [Edit] And now there is one, very strange! [/Edit]
  4. Well I don't live in the UK either, but the video is accessible worldwide. I have posted the link already, but here it is again: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424 Meanwhile the same video is available on youtube, but I am curious if it can be done to get it directly from the bbc. Cheers Hackmeifyoucan
  5. @hexophrenic and Infiltrator: Sadly it's not as simple in this case. Although some videos on the bbc.co.uk website can be downloaded with various Firefox AddOns, this one can't. @digip: I am going to try later to day and will see if I have any success. Thanx for replying Hackmeifyoucan
  6. Well I checked the source code, but could not find any recognizable file endings or protocol. The link to the video is: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424 How do I scan the pcap for the video??? Cheers Hackmeifyoucan
  7. Hi, I just found an interesting video at the bbc's news page. Since the vid will probably be gone soon, I was wondering if it could be downloaded. Of course there was no download option and I couldn't just copy it from the firefox cache. I could not use one of the standard video download tools with firefox either. That got me thinking if it was possible to do it with wireshark. I did a google search and that: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2008/1/1/211742/0546 (that's from 2008!!) So does anyone know how to do it? Cheers hackmeifyoucan
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