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Posts posted by wezyap

  1. Use "Spoon studio", it is a expensive application though, and your application will be around 150mb since it "embeds" .Net into your application.

    Spoon studio is great for other scenarios as well, like embeding java runtime into your application, "embed" virual file system and registry into you application and so on

  2. The normal, non S.E, route I would have taken in this scenario is first do a dns bruteforce to try to find what servers the company has, and if any of them is named mail.companyname.com or similar, then I would have done a daemon fingerprint on the most promising servers with tools like nmap.

    I would also try to send a mail to they'r support or customer relations department asking a easy and simple question, and examined the mail header of the replay for any clues.

    If the company has any offices i driving distance from my location, I would also pack my war driving kit, take a field trip, try to access the network, and ARP poision it, and capture the packets, to see which sites and which protocols the staff uses.

  3. Thanks wezyapl. What is the max amps can the fon input. I found another one Which is 5V/2A http://www.dealextreme.com/p/usb-rechargeable-6000mah-emergency-power-battery-pack-w-led-usb-micro-usb-adapters-black-72662

    And thanks undefined yes a little expensive but sorta worth it for 12 hours of fun but I am leaning towards the cheaper side :). Did you need to limit the current at all or did you just slapped on the plug and that was it?

    If I am not mistaken the Fon drains around 800mA (0.8A), so a pack that output 5V/2A should work just fine.

    The usb was easy, soldering the plug to the red and the black wires in the usb cable, so yhe, just slapped on a new plug.

  4. Hey guys so i am new to the forum but i have been watching for a while now.

    So i am looking to making my own Wifi Pineapple and i will be getting a fon 2100 very shortly, and i have been looking for a Li-ion battery to power it on the go. the Idea is to take apart the fon 2100 housing and putting it in a project box for a nice little case "mod" and to also fit the battery in as well. also i want to be able to recharge the battery via USB.

    my question is would one of these Rechargeable USB Emergency Power devices do the trick, will it be enough to power the fon 2100, so these seem great. just an example would be here http://www.dealextreme.com/p/rechargeable-usb-emergency-power-backup-pack-2400mah-3060. and if its not enough power, would maybe an iPad backup battery do the trick as they do require at least 10w to charge.

    give me your suggestions

    cheers :)

    I have successfully powered the pineapple WiFi through the USB atleast (http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=20754)

  5. Got my pineapple WiFi to day, but the battery pack was busted on delivery, so to be independent on the power adapter while I am waiting on the replacement, I created this.

    It works and the pineapple boots up perfectly, but the question is:

    Do I understand correctly when I think the max amperage of the USB power is 500mA (for USB 2) and the pineapple drains 800mA? and has this the potential to brick my gadgets/kill my usb/kill my power supply/ blow up the pineapple/ call the mothership?


  6. Just wondered if somebody have any recommendations for an antenna (omni or 180 degrees directional) that is compatible with the Jasager, my goal is offcourse to beef up the range.

    Also wondered if somebody have any recommendations for a wifi<->ethernet bridge that is compatible with the Jasager? the bridge should be lightweight so it could be hidden in a laptop bag, preferably get it's power from battery or from laptop USB port, the goal is to let the jasager connect to any or specified open wifi, and route the incoming traffic to the connected network, allowing any connected clients internet access through the open wifi network that the jasager is connected to.

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